Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
1. Non-Jewish girl or woman. 2. A ditzy, generally busty, female Pronounciation is closer to [SHIK-suh]. This is the kind of word grandmothers use to describe the blonde boy-toys that their teenage grandsons want to date. Generally insulting to a woman's mental abilities. As in, "...
“In the 1980s, I worked with a Jew of Polish origin who lived in Bnei Brak, and Yiddish was the main language there. I was captivated by its musical tone and decided to study it in earnest. My dream is to read Sholom Aleichem’sTevye the Dairyman[the inspiration forFiddler on the ...
Plotz:To collapse. As in, “I just ran all the way to Ess-a-Bagel to pick upbagelsbefore they closed. I am so tired I could plotz!” Putz:A vulgar word for a part of the male anatomy, or an idiot. Ironically it means both. Schlep:To drag. As in, “I schlepped these bagels ...
A long, involved sales pitch, as in, “I had to listen to his whole spiel before I found out what he really wanted.” From the German word forplay. shikse A non-Jewish woman, all too often used derogatorily. It has the connotation of “young and beautiful,” so referring to a ma...
The importance for me of being an observant Jew is underscored by the following story from the Talmud (Tractate Berachot 28b) about Rabbi Yochanon Ben Zakkai on his deathbed. The rabbi’s students were shocked to find their master weeping. Asked to explain his behavior, the ...
Top: Vilnius street offensively named for the most tragic day in Lithuanian Jewish history: outbreak of mass murder of helpless neighbors across the land (the Soviets were fleeing the Nazi invasion, not the local Jew-killers). Montage:
"Jews bearing first names of 'non-Jewish' origin must adopt an additional name: 'Israel' for men and 'Sara' for women. Jews may not buy a German book. Jews must step off the sidewalk upon seeing a uniformed or civilian German." Under such conditions, popular songs found new, much star...
the language of the Bible, a text highly respected by European Christian culture.At the same time, in the wider European context, language and literature became an inseparable part of the romantic notion of "nation", while Jewish literature in the European sense of the word was non-existent....
For the grants and fellowships that supported this work, I wish to thank the following institutions: The Memorial Founda- tion for Jewish Culture, The Institute for the Study of Modern Jew- ish Life of the City College of New York, The Jack P. Eisner ...