non-JewishAny person who is not Jewish Goyeh Goieh Gentile woman Gentile woman not Jewish non-Jewish Goy GoiGentile woman; non-Jewish woman Goyim Goy Goi Goyem Goiem non-Jewish persons non-Jewish people non-Jewish person non-Jewish not Jewish person persons people...
The article discusses Paul Ariste's research on Yiddish as well as his efforts to promote and popularize the language. Before the Second World War it was extremely rare for a person of non-Jewish origin, especially from a small country such as Estonia, to become an expert in the Yiddish ...
“Yiddish was a force to be reckoned with in this period. It provided the name for and was an integral part of the Yiddishist movement that posed an alternative to Zionism. . . . The language issue became a convenient tool of political conflict within contemporary Jewish culture.”–Yael C...
After the rabbi completed his talk, he asked for questions. One person asked the rabbi what he could do to protect his children from Christian influence. The rabbi stated that if traditions were respected and followed within a Jewish home, there would be less chance for a child...
Native to: Central, Eastern, and Western Europe Region: Israel, North America, other regions with Jewish populations[1] 用户数 1,500,000 更多 语言 英文 地区 Region: Worldwide Official language in: 67 countries 27 non-sovereign entities Various organisations United Nations European Union Commonwe...
A long, involved sales pitch, as in, “I had to listen to his whole spiel before I found out what he really wanted.” From the German word forplay. shikse A non-Jewish woman, all too often used derogatorily. It has the connotation of “young and beautiful,” so referring to a ma...
Bupkis:Worthless or nada. As in, “I schleped you putzes all over town and I got bupkis for it!” Chutzpah:Nerve. As in, “It took a lot of chutzpah for you to ask my boyfriend out!” (Not a compliment.) Klutz:A clumsy person. As in, “That klutz knocked over my freshly...
Real Lithuanian tradition rabbis have spoken out with simple integrity. Statement of four yeshiva heads, and of Rabbi Elchonon Baron.Tale of Two Visions — for Lithuania’s most sacred Jewish site, the Old Vilna Cemetery, where many thousands still lie buried◊...
For a long time before megillah was the word that was used to refer to an overlong story or convoluted production its primary meaning was a considerably different one. The Megillah is typically read out loud from a scroll in course of certain Jewish holidays. At the beginning of the 20th ce...
S. Ansky was a Russian Jewish writer and folklorist best known for his play The Dybbuk. Ansky was educated in a Ḥasidic environment and as a young man was attracted to the Jewish Enlightenment (Haskala) and to the populist doctrines of the Narodniki,