Laser treatment for eye floaters fell short of expectations, as the intervention improved patient-perceived floater burden but not intraocular pressure (IOP) or visual acuity, a retrospective study showed. Following as many as four Nd:YAG-laser vitreolysis procedures, mean IOP actually increased slig...
眼科Nd:YAG倍频激光治疗仪是一种常用于眼科疾病治疗的医疗设备。它利用Nd:YAG激光技术,通过倍频晶体将1064nm的激光转换为532nm的绿光,用于眼科疾病的治疗。该产品具有以下特点:1. 高效治疗:Nd:YAG倍频激光具有较高的能量密度和较短的脉冲宽度,能够快速而精确地治疗眼部疾病,如青光眼、玻璃体浑浊等。2. 安全可靠:该...
the nd: yag laser, which can be used in particular for eye treatment.includes a guide to laser beam, where the laser beam is led along a path in which the light beam is focused at the route via an optical coupling of the focaunder the work plan. an afocal optical system with several...
Eye no. 14. FD YAG laser applied in a modified grid pattern resulted in resolution of CSMO and closure of microaneurysms. Vision improved from 6/24 to 6/12, 19 weeks after FD YAG laser treatment. None of the patients had had laser treatment for diabetic retinopathy within the previous 2 ...
Long- term results of Nd:YAG laser treatment for premacular subhyaloid hae- morrhage owing to Valsalva retinopathy. Eye 2008;22:214e8.Durukan AH; Kerimoglu H; Erdurman C;.Long-term results of Nd : YAG laser treatment for premacular subhya- loid haemorrhage owing to Valsalva retinopathy....
Nd:YAGlasercapsulotomyinpatientswithlatecapsularblock syndrome.GuojiYankeZazhi(In*EyeSci)2014;14(3):535-537 摘要 目的:观察 YAG 激光后囊切开术治疗晚期囊袋阻滞综合 征伴后发性白内障的疗效。 方法:对临床确诊为囊袋阻滞综合征伴后发性 白内障的
(84 eyes) with vitreous floaters treated with Nd ∶YAG laser ablation were involved.Chi-square test,Mann-Whitney Test,Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman test were used to compare the therapeutic effect with different etiologies and grades.RESULTS:After two-week treatment,there were 66 eyes (79%) ...
What is the laser treatment like? The YAG laser procedure will be performed at the Peninsula Eye Surgery Center, located one mile from our office. You should prepare for your laser treatment just as you would for an eye examination. There is no need to change clothing, and there are no ...
分析48例(52只眼)2020年3月至2020年10月在我院采用UltraQReflexYAG激光治疗玻璃体混浊患者治疗前后混浊物大小、视力、眼压、黄斑区相干光层析成像术(OCT)检查变化,对Nd:YAG激光治疗玻璃体混浊的有效性及安全性进行评价。结果 治疗2周后,所有患眼(52只眼)中治愈...