The main advantages of SPS over techniques like vacuum sintering are the one-stage, rapid, near-net-shape production capabilities. This could place SPS at the technological forefront for the fabrication of thin-disk45,46,47 and composite48 laser gain media. Since SPS allows to produce samples ...
Keywords: Er:YAG laser; diode laser; dental pulp cell; apoptosis; gene; matrix metalloprotease; transforming growth factor-beta 1. Introduction Vital pulp therapy (VPT) encompasses clinical interventions to preserve the nerve as much as possible, and to maintain healthy pulp tissue. VPT is carried...
Nd:YAG laser irradiation can be a promissory treatment to prevent dentin erosion and the abrasion process. Keywords: dentin; infrared laser; composition; erosion; crystallinity; fluoride; abrasion 1. Introduction Dental erosion is an oral demineralization process whose prevalence has increased ...
1. Introduction All-solid-state passively Q-switched lasers have the characteristics of simple structure, small size, and broad application potential in areas, such as high-precision processing, laser medical treatment, and laser communication. As these lasers do not require complex extra-cavity ...
Keywords: single crystal fiber; Nd:YAG; eye-safe 1443.5 laser; laser diode 1. Introduction The wavelength of 1.44 µm is located in the eye-safe wavelength region of 1.4–2.1 µm. In particular, the 1.44 µm is one of the absorption peaks of liquid water, with a high water ...