1.高潮,吕帆.后发性白内障患者行YAG激光后囊切开术后人工晶状体的偏移及眼轴的改变(英文)[J].国际眼科杂志,2017,17(8):1394-1398. 2.Hirnschall N,Neumayer T,Rossmann M,et al. Influence of a Modified Nd:YAG Laser Treatment Outside the Visual...
During the follow-up, neither macularepiretinal membranes nortractional retinal detachments occurred in any eyes.Drainage of premacular subhyaloid hemorrhage into the vitreous with Nd:YAG laser is a viable treatment alternative for eyes with recent bleeding. However, to establish Nd:YAG laser ...
Long- term results of Nd:YAG laser treatment for premacular subhyaloid hae- morrhage owing to Valsalva retinopathy. Eye 2008;22:214e8.Durukan AH; Kerimoglu H; Erdurman C;.Long-term results of Nd : YAG laser treatment for premacular subhya- loid haemorrhage owing to Valsalva retinopathy....
treatment of retinal vascuIitis. · METH0DS:Data of36cases(36eyes)withretinal vasculitisundergoing vitrectomyandNd:YAG532nm lasertreatmentwereanalyzedretrOspectively. ·RESULTS:Twocaseswereretinalarteritis,4caseswere retjnalphlebitisand30casesdamnificationwereonboth ...
eyes)wastreatedwithNd:YAGlacrimalductplastybylaser.Thetreatmentgroup(37patients,53eyes)was treatedwithTobramyeinandDexamethasoneOphthalmicOintment.Th entheeffectwasobservedandcalculated withstatisticsmethod.Results Therateofeffectofthelasergroupandtreatmentgroupwere56.52% ...
These 3 eyes had significant visual loss after focal laser treatment due to macular ischaemia and the remaining 7 maintained stable vision. Four eyes in the non-resolving group were considered suitable for more focal laser with FD YAG laser after an interval of 24-28 weeks. Re-treatment was ...
【摘要】 目的 观察分析掺钕钇铝石榴石(Nd:YAG)激光治疗玻璃体混浊的有效性及安全性。方法 回顾性病例研究。分析48例(52只眼)2020年3月至2020年10月在我院采用UltraQReflexYAG激光治疗玻璃体混浊患者治疗前后混浊物大小、视力、眼压、黄斑区相干光层析成像术(OCT)...
P=0.013).There were 38 eyes (90%) in grade Ⅰ,21 eyes (88%) in grade Ⅱ,9 eyes (75%) in grade Ⅲ,and 2 eyes (33%) in grade Ⅳ needed once treatment.There was significant difference between different grades and treatment times (U=2.580,P=0.010).CONCLUSION:Nd ∶YAG laser ablation...
METHODS: Six eyes in six patients had Q-switched Nd:YAG laser treatment to open trapped hemorrhage overlying the macula. One to three laser membranotomies were performed. Colored fundus photographs were obtained before and after the hemorrhage was treated. In some cases, fluorescein angiography was...