YAG laser surgery:The use of a YAG (yttrium-aluminum-garnet) laser to do surgery. One use for a YAG laser in surgery is to punch a hole in the iris to relieve increased pressure within the eye from acuteangle-closure glaucoma. In this type ofglaucoma, there is a sudden (acute) increa...
Infrared lasers, through the laser/tissue interaction of photothermal ablation,29 and excimer lasers through the ablative photodecomposition,27 are currently the best candidates for the incision and ablation of biological tissues within the eye.
YAG laser eye surgery close-up ID:13656160 收藏 加入清单 下载 版权SandiMako TIFF大小 17.2MB 格式JPG 肖像权已获得肖像权 编辑图片 以图搜图 大图:3008×2000像素·25.47cm ×16.93cm·300dpi·JPG 中图:1000×665像素·35.28cm ×23.46cm·72dpi·JPG...
Neodymium:YAG Laser for the Treatment of Encapsulated Blebs After Filtration Surgery 来自 NCBI 喜欢 0 阅读量: 40 作者:S Ofner,TJ Smith 摘要: Author information: (1)Department of Ophthalmology, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington 40536-0084.关键词:...
Laser is used for treatment of bladder and prostate problems and kidney stones. Dr. Adam C. Mues and Dr. Bodo E. Knudsen, Ohio State University Medical Center The holmium:YAG laser is widely used in urologic surgery. The solid-state laser is available in variable power configurations from 10...
holmiumyaglaserforintracorporeallithotripsy钬激光体内碎石 系统标签: holmiumlaserlithotripsyyagcorporealintra ReviewArticle Introduction A lbertEinsteincanbeconsideredthe ‘father’oflaser(lightamplificationbythestimulated emissionofradiation)technology[1].Itwasalmostseven decadeslaterin1968thatMulvaneyandBeck[2] develo...
眼科Nd:YAG倍频激光治疗仪是一种常用于眼科疾病治疗的医疗设备。它利用Nd:YAG激光技术,通过倍频晶体将1064nm的激光转换为532nm的绿光,用于眼科疾病的治疗。该产品具有以下特点:1. 高效治疗:Nd:YAG倍频激光具有较高的能量密度和较短的脉冲宽度,能够快速而精确地治疗眼部疾病,如青光眼、玻璃体浑浊等。2. 安全可靠:该...
The YAG laser has the potential to dramatically reduce the energy required to perform cataract surgery. Two types of YAG lasers are being developed for cataract surgery: the neodymium:YAG (Nd:YAG) and Erbium:YAG (Er:YAG) laser. The pulsed Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, which emits at 1064 nm,...
Lens opacity after neodymium: YAG laser iridectomy for phakic intraocular lens implantation. We describe a previously unreported complication of a posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) implanted in a phakic eye. The left eye of a 25-year-old pat... D Zadok,A Chayet - 《Journal of Cataract...
Laser treatment for eye floaters fell short of expectations, as the intervention improved patient-perceived floater burden but not intraocular pressure (IOP) or visual acuity, a retrospective study showed. Following as many as four Nd:YAG-laser vitreolysis procedures, mean IOP actually increased slig...