class in UnityEngine.XR설명 Global XR related settings.정적 변수 deviceEyeTextureDimension Fetch the device eye texture dimension from the active stereo device. enabled Globally enables or disables XR for the application. eyeTextureDesc Fetch the eye texture RenderTextureDescriptor from the ...
言語:日本語 XRSettings.gameViewRenderMode public staticXR.GameViewRenderModegameViewRenderMode; 説明 Sets the render mode for the XR device. The render mode controls how the view of the XR device renders in the Game view and in the main window on a host PC. ...
XRSettings.eyeTextureResolutionScale public static float eyeTextureResolutionScale ; Descripción Controls the actual size of eye textures as a multiplier of the device's default resolution. A value of 1.0 will use the default eye texture resolution specified by the XR device. Values less than 1.0...
3回复贴,共1页 <<返回unity3d吧player settings里为什么没有XR settings选项? 只看楼主 收藏 回复sunnymeng白羊 Unitor 1 织网 Unitor 1 我也没有,现在解决了吗? 刘小熊 Animator 9 啊这我2018版本有啊 不摸鱼 Prefab 5 ...
脚本API UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity Other XRSettings.renderViewportScale public static float renderViewportScale ; 描述 控制应该用于渲染的分配的眼睛纹理量。 有效范围在 0.0 到 1.0 之间。可以在运行时更改此值,无需重新分配眼睛纹理。因此,它可用于动态调整眼睛渲染分辨率。渲染摄像机时,无法更改此值。如果...
Context: Unity 2020.1.0, HDRP on Windows 10, with SteamVR Unity plugin 2.6.0 and the OpenVR XR plugin v1 preview 12. "Initialize XR on Startup" and "OpenVR loader" are both checked in Unity project settings, and SteamVR 1.13.10 in running on my computer (I also tested with Steam...
Trigger XRがUnityを使用して、Diageoのテキーラ・ドン・フリオのApple Vision Pro体験をどのように作成したかをご覧ください。革新的なプロジェクトを今すぐご覧ください!
Cookie settings The solution: KLM Cityhopper Virtual Reality Cockpit Trainer KLM’s XRCoE team, made up of 16 people, including 7 certified Unity developers, developed the KLM Cityhopper Virtual Reality Cockpit Trainer for the Embraer E175 and E190 aircraft. ...
[Unity] ERROR: Plugin 'XRSDKOpenVR.dll' is used from several locations: [Unity] Plugin 'openvr_api.dll' is used from several locations: [Unity] Please fix plugin settings and try again. I was able to fix this locally by modifying the .meta files in the package cache (I am aware th...
また、Unity 2020 以降では、レガシ XR が存在しないため、唯一のメイン ビューとして新しいデータ プロバイダーが表示されます。 カメラ 次のデータ プロバイダーを追加します テーブルを展開する OpenXR プラグインWindows XR プラグイン XRSDK.OpenXR.OpenXRCameraSettings XRSDK...