7、 操纵杆按钮(从任意操纵杆):”joystick button 0〃、”joystick button 1〃、”joystick button 2〃、… 8、操纵杆按钮(从指定操纵杆):”joystick 1 button 0〃、”joystick 1 button 1〃、”joystick 2 button 0〃、… 9、 特殊键:”backspace”、”tab”、”return”、”escape”、”space”、”delet...
(1) 三明治按钮是指 Vive 菜单按钮。为了更好地处理跨平台应用程序,此按钮映射到 primaryButton 而不是 menuButton。 有关每个InputFeatureUsage的定义,请参阅XR.Input.CommonUsages。 访问输入设备 InputDevice代表任何物理设备,例如控制器、移动电话或头盔。它可以包含有关设备跟踪、按钮、游戏杆和其他输入控件的信息...
Changed XR Origin Hands (XR Rig) by updating both Near-Far Interactor GameObjects in the hands hierarchy to use different input actions for UI Press and Select inputs. This was needed since the bindings are now different for those two input actions. The Value Derived Button Reader component...
class in UnityEngine.Experimental.XR.Interaction / Inherits from:Experimental.XR.Interaction.BasePoseProviderDescription The BaseArmModel class is the base class intended for building "Arm Models" for 3 degrees of freedom (3DOF) controllers. An arm model is intended to approximate a 6 degree...
To-do/ideas Create button to copy code Test in Javascript/create example Create button to export to Unity sound clip/game object Show waveform in GUI Add stats such as memory and build time to GUI Show effect duration in GUI Undo/Redo Add option to "lock" GUI items like BFXR Automatic ...
The goal is to make animations appear smoother and more lifelike by adjusting the speed of movement during different phases of the animation. Some examples of easing animation: clicking a button, moving an object, making a bounce effect, etc ......
usingUnityEngine; namespaceHowToCreateProject.Runtime { publicclassRotateCubeMonobehaviour:MonoBehaviour { privateTransformselfTransform; privatefloatcurrentTime; publicfloattimeToDisplay=5; publicfloatRotateSpeed=5; publicGameObjectChildGameObject; privatevoidStart() ...
选择Unity 版本 最后更新:2020 十月 23 2019.4 语言 英语 跟踪进度和获得有针对性的建议。 1.Locomotion and Teleportation in the XR Interaction Toolkit 2 This tutorial has been verified using Unity 2019.4.12f1 LTS, XR Interaction Toolkit 0.9.3-preview, and Oculus XR Plugin 1.4.3 ...
A child XR Grab Interactable with non-uniformly scaled parent that is rotated relative to that parent may appear skewed when you grab it and then release it. Unity limitations with non-uniform scaling is documented on https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-Transform.html A number of other ...
Interacting with the menu for cycling locations, or the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons next to the table handle can be done by aiming at the respective button and pressing the index trigger button. How it works This sample is built off the Tabletop Map Sample provided with the plugin. Once...