且通过XPS分析可知催化剂表面含有Bi、Co 和O等3种元素,其中Co存在Co2+和Co3+两种价态,且与其中的Bi存在Bi-Co相互作用,这将有利于增强催化剂的催化活性和稳定性;此外,催化剂中的O以晶格氧和表面羟基氧两种形式存在。
412.7 420.4 421.6 lu ta mo 4p1 loss loss 460.2 462.5 463.1 gd ta in auger 4p1 loss 515.0 515.6 515.9 eu v v auger 2p 2o3 560.0 pd 560.9 ti 562.8 ta 3p1 2s 4s 281.0 ru ntv ox 307.2 rh 3d5 343.0 ho 4p1 388.0 u 4f5 423.3 w 4p3 464.0 bi 4d3 517.1 v 2o5 565.0 na ...
Changes in electronic structure of the Bi-O and Cu-O planes due to the simultaneous doping of Pb at the Bi site and Y at the Ca site in the Bi-2212 system have been studied using core-level photoemission. The rare-earth doping at the Ca site causes an increase in the valence state ...
Changes in electronic structure of the Bi-O and Cu-O planes due to the simultaneous doping of Pb at the Bi site and Y at the Ca site in the Bi-2212 system have been studied using core-level photoemission. The rare-earth doping at the Ca site causes an increase in the valence state ...
Changes in electronic structure of the Bi-O and Cu-O planes due to the simultaneous doping of Pb at the Bi site and Y at the Ca site in the Bi-2212 system have been studied using core-level photoemission. The rare-earth doping at the Ca site causes an increase in the valence state ...
Este método leerá un archivo que contiene un documento XPS que es de tipo XPS_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ XPS o XPS_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ OPENXPS. CreatePackageFromStream Abre una secuencia que contiene un paquete XPS y devuelve un árbol de objetos de documento XPS con instancias. CreatePackageFromStream1 Abre...
Bi metal 157 eV Bi2O3 159 eV Experimental information N/A Interpretation of XPS spectra Bi4f region has well-separated spin-orbit components (Δ=5.3eV). Peaks in the Bi4f region have an asymmetric peak shape for bismuth metal. Bismuth compounds, such as its oxide, have sym...
Este método leerá un archivo que contiene un documento XPS que es de tipo XPS_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ XPS o XPS_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ OPENXPS. CreatePackageFromStream Abre una secuencia que contiene un paquete XPS y devuelve un árbol de objetos de documento XPS con instancias. CreatePackageFromStream1 Abre...