函数:fxn = (1 + 1/xn)^(1/xn),其中xn从1到∞。 对于数列xn,我们可以使用柯西收敛定理来判断其收敛性。数列 xn 显然是单调递增的,并且有上界,因此 xn 收敛。 然而,对于函数fxn,我们可以发现当 xn 趋近于 1 时,(1 + 1/xn)^(1/xn)趋近于2,而当xn趋近于∞时,(1 + 1/xn)^(1/xn)趋近于...
f(x)=x+2,b(n)=2^na(n),b(n+1) = f[b(n)] = b(n) + 2,{b(n)=2^na(n)} 是首项为b(1)=2a(1),公差为2的等差数列。2^na(n) = 2a(1)+2(n-1),a(n) = [a(1)+(n-1)]/2^(n-1) ,s(n) = a(1)/1 + [a(1)+1]/2 + [a(1)+2]/2^2 + ...
QTAIMIQA schemeIn the present work an in depth deep electronic study of multicenter XBs (FX)n/NH (X = Cl, Br and n = 1-5) is conducted. The ways in which XX lateral contacts affect the electrostatic or covalent nature of the XN interactions are explored at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-...
In the present work an in depth deep electronic study of multicenter XBs (FX)n/NH (X = Cl, Br and n = 1-5) is conducted. The ways in which XX lateral contacts affect the electrostatic or covalent nature of the XN interactions are explored at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ level and ...
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