Mod补充命令:首先在steam创意工坊订阅wotc additional soldier console commands然后就是正常控制台用法,但是多了命令,而且有启动特效屏幕闪一下,选择当前士兵要在检视士兵里选中他:RebuildAllSoldiersClass 重置所有士兵的技能来重新选择LevelUpSelectedSoldier 2 升级当前选择士兵2级SetSelectedSoldiersStat eStat_Hacking 50 ...
This is a list of all XCOM 2 console commands, including those from the DLCs. These commands work with the PC and Mac versions, as well as the Steam and non-Steam versions. To enable the console, follow these instructions. Once the console is enabled, you can open the console by ...
找到…steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\XCom2.exe直接进入WOTC游戏。找到…steamapps\common\XCOM 2\Binaries\Win64\XCom2.exe直接进入XCOM2游戏。注意,它们均需将exe发送到桌面快捷方式,然后……注意,还需要两步操作,参看【模组开发者启动器】部分的第三段。 8、如果玩模组,...
開STEAM>遊戲庫>XCOM2>右鍵XCOM2內容>設定你的起動選項 -allowconsole 非STEAM版請使用XCom2.exe...
必知必做:准备使用模组前一定要了解,可预防几乎所有常见问题,通用提醒。 一、默认要求:Windows系统+管理员权限+XCOM 2 WOTC[1] STEAM 正版+AML启动器。未按要求做而出错的玩家,留言可能会浪费时间,也会对其…
How to activate the console in XCOM 2 To activate the console in XCOM 2, you need to add the ”-allowconsole” at the end of the Target field. If you are using Steam, then select ”Set Launch Options” under the properties tab when choosing the game in the library and add ”-allo...
Everyone is a Savant - 招募的士兵智商都是学者,只适用于新战役。如果想中途提高智商,可通过原游戏的隐秘行动,以及Additional Soldier Console Commands模组的命令。全员得到的技能点都大幅度上升,能多点几个技能。 Overflow Ability Points - 最高等级士兵执行任务能获得XCOM点。注意:不支持7级(上校)以上等级的士兵...
SeeUnreal Engine 3 Console Commandsfor the complete list of the Engine commands. Not all commands are to be expected to be implemented. Some listed here are specific toXCOM:EU - 2012. Syntax: {information}; "(value)": {include the parentheses}; [parameter1|parameter2|...] {only one; ...
Unsorted (2): [WOTC] Sniper Defense Fix SniperDefense [WOTC] Loot Pinatas Light LootPinatasLight # A Better X (5): A Better Militia ABetterMilitia https:...
XCOM 2 is a perfect example of how to get a sequel right. Now that you’ve been to Amazon or Steam to pre-order it and back, let me tell you why I liked it so much. While trying not to spoil anything crucial of XCOM 2’s story, in a novel twist the majority of the events...