Additional Soldier Console Commands - 新增控制台命令。如果你在中途禁用职业/技能模组,它可改变被禁用的士兵职业,刷新掉技能树上的残留技能,等等。1)LevelUpSelectedSoldier 选定的士兵改变等级,0为新兵。2)RebuildSelectedSoldiersClass 选定的士兵改变职业/技能/属性。3)RebuildAllSoldiersClass 刷新所有士兵的技能树和...
XCOM 2’s turn-based tactics gameplay is really exciting and a great way to spend a lot of time, especially with all the new features like procedurally generated maps added. Sometimes, it can be even made more fun through console commands. While these console commands give an edge in gamep...
如果想中途提高智商,可通过原游戏的隐秘行动,以及Additional Soldier Console Commands模组的命令。全员得到的技能点都大幅度上升,能多点几个技能。 Overflow Ability Points - 最高等级士兵执行任务能获得XCOM点。注意:不支持7级(上校)以上等级的士兵。XCOM点就是通用技能点,当单个士兵的技能点不足的时候可以通过XCOM...
SeeUnreal Engine 3 Console Commandsfor the complete list of the Engine commands. Not all commands are to be expected to be implemented. Some listed here are specific toXCOM:EU - 2012. Syntax: {information}; "(value)": {include the parentheses}; [parameter1|parameter2|...] {only one; ...
Console commands PC cheat. To activate the console, you must first add the following as a command line parameter to XCOM 2: -allowconsole Rightclick the XCOM 2 shortcut, select properties and add it at the end of the "Target"-field so that it looks something like this: ...
Setting aside the fact that Ironman locks out the console, and that you could accomplish conquest achievements by simply doing console commands giving you the land... Prestor John - As a Catholic, have a border with Miaphysite Abyssinia Okay. Use Ruler Designer, ...
[WOTC] Additional Soldier Console Commands WOTC_SoldierConsoleCommands Blackmarket Usage BlackmarketUsage [WOTC] Fast Forward My Game FastForwardMyGame https://steamcommun... can actually confirm that what the link below says works.Make a shortcut, open up the target tab in properties, go into the target box, and then add at the end "-noRedScreens -review" (Without quotation marks)....
2¦3¦4) Volume Count: (nnn) range: 1 to 255 Expiration Date: (yyddd¦yyyy/ddd¦+nnnn) (note - +nnnn is retention period in days) --- PFK 1/Help 3/End COMMANDS ===> F1=Help F2=SPLIT F3=End F4=RETURN F5=RFIND F6=RCHANGE F7=UP F8=DOWN F9=SWAP F10=Fileinfo ...
Everyone is a Savant - 招募的士兵智商都是学者,只适用于新战役。如果想中途提高智商,可通过原游戏的隐秘行动,以及Additional Soldier Console Commands模组的命令。全员得到的技能点都大幅度上升,能多点几个技能。 Overflow Ability Points - 最高等级士兵执行任务能获得XCOM点。注意:不支持7级(上校)以上等级的士兵...