Once the console is enabled, you can open the console by pressing the ~, ` or | key on your keyboard. Enter the command, and press Enter. The list of commands below is searchable. Type the name of an XCOM 2 command or an effect to search all commands instantly. ...
1)管理员身份运行:创建运行程序的快捷方式,比如:2K启动器launcher.exe[1]、直进本体XCom2.exe[2]、直进天选者XCom2.exe(我不能用)[3]、旧的官方启动器ModLauncherWPF.exe[4]、AML启动器XCOM2 Launcher.exe或其汉化程序exe,右键打开快捷方式 - 兼容性 - 勾选兼容模式以Win8模式运行,勾选以管理员身份运...
XCOM 2’s turn-based tactics gameplay is really exciting and a great way to spend a lot of time, especially with all the new features like procedurally generated maps added. Sometimes, it can be even made more fun through console commands. While these console commands give an edge in gamep...
makesoldieraclass ["soldier name"] [class id] - This console command sets the class of the soldier with the specified name. Note that this will demote your soldier to squaddie rank, and that you should make a save before using This console command, as some classes can break your game....
Additional Soldier Console Commands - 新增控制台命令。如果你在中途禁用职业/技能模组,它可改变被禁用的士兵职业,刷新掉技能树上的残留技能,等等。1)LevelUpSelectedSoldier 选定的士兵改变等级,0为新兵。2)RebuildSelectedSoldiersClass 选定的士兵改变职业/技能/属性。3)RebuildAllSoldiersClass 刷新所有士兵的技能树和...
Everyone is a Savant - 招募的士兵智商都是学者,只适用于新战役。如果想中途提高智商,可通过原游戏的隐秘行动,以及Additional Soldier Console Commands模组的命令。全员得到的技能点都大幅度上升,能多点几个技能。 Overflow Ability Points - 最高等级士兵执行任务能获得XCOM点。注意:不支持7级(上校)以上等级的士兵...
Syntax: {information}; "(value)": {include the parentheses}; [parameter1|parameter2|...] {only one; omit the square brackets and vertical bar}. Commands do not appear to be case sensitive. Command Status For EU modders: the EU commands (or the functions they call) may be found in on...
XCOM 2About Jamie Davey Back in 2001, Jamie founded a Command and Conquer fan site dubbed C&C Sector. This initial foray into the world of games media led him to manage several websites under the FileFront umbrella. Later, in 2007, he shifted to GameWatcher, assuming the mantle of Con...
Console commands PC cheat. To activate the console, you must first add the following as a command line parameter to XCOM 2: -allowconsole Rightclick the XCOM 2 shortcut, select properties and add it at the end of the "Target"-field so that it looks something like this: ...
This game supports console commands similar to XCOM 2. To enable console, please follow these steps. Set the game language to English (other languages may not be able to input console commands) Start the game with command line -allowconsole. You can do this by making a shortcut of xcom...