Here's the error I am getting: Unknown file type in '/Users/username/Desktop/filename/Libraries/libiPhone-lib.a' please help! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. NOTE: I am using a M1 laptop with Sequoia OS
单一引用关系:如项目 PBXProject 只会有一个 mainGroup 作为其主文件夹,另外每个 PBXBuildFile 也只会有一份 PBXFileReference 引用,它们之间是单一直接引用关系。 多引用:如PBXNativeTarget 可以存在多个构建规则和依赖:PBXBuildRule、AbstractBuildPhase, PBXTargetDependency 等。 单一引用关系 has_one 修饰器 Defines...
file_ref = project.frameworks_group.new_file('path/to/libA.a') target.frameworks_build_phases.add_file_reference(file_ref) # 添加 bundle 引用 file_ref = project.frameworks_group.new_file('path/to/xxx.bundle') target.resources_build_phase.add_file_reference(file_ref) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5....
Xcode <unknown>:0: error: no such file or directory: Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1 解决方法: Build Phases -> Compile Sources 找到报错的类,删除即可...
configure_defaults_for_file_reference(ref) ref end def new_file_reference(group, path, source_tree) path = ref = group.children << ref GroupableHelper.set_path_with_source_tree(ref, path, source_tree) ref.set_last_known_file_type ...
Xcode 6.1, Last SDK使用8.1, 引入第三方C++库进行编译时,出现Unknown type name 'UIImage', UIKIT,Foundation库都已经导入了,死活编译不过, 奶奶滴, 原来是Xcode 6里面米有默认的 pch文件, 自己重建一个, File -> New -> File -> Other -> PCH file. 在文件末尾添加: ...
unexpected file type 'wrapper.cfbundle' in Frameworks &Libraries build phase 这个问题发生在把“假”框架项目作为workspace的依赖,或者把它当作子项目时(“真”框架项目没有这个问题)。尽管这种框架项目产生了正确的静态框架,但Xcode只能从项目文件中看出这是一个bundle,因此它在检查依赖性时发出一个警告,并在...
Unknown type name 'NSString' 超过16个以上都是这种错误提示。如下图所示: 二、解决历程: 后来经网上找问题原因,发现有出现类似问题的分别是: 1、 添加pch文件:新建pch文件后,并在 settings里面的 Prefix Header 中添加: $(SRCROOT)/pch/pchFile.pch 并按回车。从新编译时却没有了上述有关于字符串的报错,但...
File, but it is really hard to type in bigger projects with over 30 files and 3000 Code Lines per File. This always happens when I use Xcode, whether I run the app on a real device or a simulator. Things that could cause the issue in my case: I removed the contents of ~/Library...
2, 错误信息:Couldn't register dy.CKRiLiText with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code. This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.Current language: 解决方法: 可能是电脑内存问题引起,重启电脑即可解决。如果重启解决不了问题...