So now I'm not sure where the problem is. Did Bitbucket corrupt my files? Are both Xcode 11.1 and Xcode 11.2 Beta 2 to blame? I doubt it, but the files are clearly Swift UTF-8. Any ideas on how I can get Xcode to recognise my Swift source and magically restore my schemes? :...
It looks like Xcode 16 has changed this behavior so I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. When a SwiftUI Button wraps a UIButton, the button doesn't work on iOS 18.0+ import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Button(action: { print("Not called ...
解决方法:在Xcode里,点击相应的Target,然后点Build Settings,找到VALID_ARCHS,看里面的是不是arvm7s,如果不是改成arvm7s就可以了。 4、 错误信息: error: receiver type 'ViewController' for instance message does not declare a method with selector 'hideSearchBar:' [4] ViewController 中没有声明一个方法...
3 、错误信息:***ios 5是调试正常***的,**ios 6真机调试的时候,出现如下错误:***ld: file is universal (3 slices) but does not contain a(n) armv7s slice: /Users/mac4/Desktop/my desktop/My app/MyApp name 20:09:12 /MyApp name/ZBarSDK/libzbar.a for architecture armv7s***error:link...
'The specified URI is not a valid Core Data URI: x-coredata:///MyApp/XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX' It's almost as if on iOS18 SwiftData is unable to find the file on the simulator to perform CRUD operations. All I'm doing in my project is simply fetching data using the model...
1,警告:“xoxoxoxo” is deprecated 解决办法:查看xoxoxoxo的这个⽅法的⽂档,替换掉这个⽅法即可。2,警告:Declaration of "struct sockaddr" will not be visible outside of this function 解决办法:在你的开源.m⽂件中添加 #import <netinet/in.h> 3,警告:Implicit conversion from enumeration...
解决方法:在Xcode里,点击相应的Target,然后点Build Settings,找到VALID_ARCHS,看里面的是不是arvm7s,如果不是改成arvm7s就可以了。 4、 错误信息: error: receiver type 'ViewController' for instance message does not declare a method with selector 'hideSearchBar:' [4] ...
程序发布后,发现一个bug,需要在自己手机调试时,出现:a valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found错误. 原来是因为发布的时候把schema里的"Build Configuration"改成了release。而release对应的provision是用发布证书的。把"Build Configuration"改成了debug就好了。
Xcode build failed due to concurrent builds. Retry in 8 seconds. I see this message every time I run my app and then build gets succeeded after some tries. I created a new app it's not happening in that case. It's been in existence for some time for my existing project and happening...
Sorry, my English is not very good. The following is the content translated by Google. I am using the environment: flutter 2.10.5, xcode15; currently, when encountering xcode, I can only run a virtual machine, and cannot perform real mac...