这个问题主要是修改到了系统文件和方法,在我使用NSStringFromCGSize的时候xcode报错提示fix,然后点击了一下,之后就一直这样。 继续通过NSStringFromCGSize进入到那个文件,撤回就好了。
Xcode无法退出,报错提示 The document “xxx.h” could not be saved. The file doesn’t exist. 记录一个问题 场景:Xcode编辑一个工程时直接在工程内部修改了某个目录的文件夹名字,而后删除了其下的某 .h.m 文件 之后总是提示上述错误且无法强制退出Xcode,clean等操作基本没用 查找本地文件也并未发现被删除...
Xcode编辑一个工程时直接在工程内部修改了某个目录的文件夹名字,其后修改或者删除该文件夹下文件 之后总是提示上述The document “XXXX” could not be saved. The file doesn’t exist错误且无法强制退出Xcode,clean等操作基本没用 解决方式: 把文件夹改回原来的名字,然后本地改名字之后,重新导入...
Updated to the new XCode Version 7.3. When I tried to save and exit XCode, got this error: Failed to save MyProject.xcodeproj. Unknown error. Then tried to change and save another file and got an error: The document *** could not be saved, You don't have permission. I do have re...
最近更新了Mac系统和XCode,当我把一个以前的项目用Xcode5打开以后,再用Xcode4.6打开时,选中XXXX.xib/storyboard文件,有的文件会弹出 "The document “XXXX.xib/storyboard" could not be opened. Could not read archive" 的提示,如下图所示: 从上图可以看到,Apple给出了解决办法, "Please use a newer versio...
解决方法(亲测有效) xcode 14.3: 项目在真机上运行正常,打包时报了下面的错误 rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/97f6331a-ba75-11ed-a4bc-863efbbaf80d/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/rsync/rsync/main.c(996) [sender=2.6.9] ...
Description I'd tried to use this solution (self hosted spm registry ) The main thing is - after success auth, utility append new credentials to ~/.netrc file or mac os keychain In my case all credential was appended, but credential gett...
One more question here would be what is meant by caches? are there other folders being saved? Also a bit of context. Im trying to build a Kotlin Multiplatform project but it fails with Showing All Issues > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':composeApp:iosArm64CompileKlibraries...
Xcode7 beta 网络请求报错:The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection. 原来代码中的UIWebView网络请求均报错. 今天升级Xcode 7.0 bata发现网络访问失败。 didFailLoadWithError(): ...
[!] Could not find transporter at /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/. Please make sure you set the correct path to your Xcode installation. Command executed bundle exec fastlane run upload_to_testflight Relevant output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used...