X ray diffraction system 爱克斯射线衍射系统 high temperature X ray diffraction analysis 高温X射线衍射分析 characteristic X ray 特性X-射线,标识X辐射 相似单词 X ray n. X射线,X光 x ray n. 1. X –radiation 伦琴射线,X射线辐射 2. X光照片 X rayunit 爱克斯光机 X rays 爱克斯光,爱克斯线...
网络X射线衍射图案;X线绕射线谱;X射线衍射图像 网络释义 1. X射线衍射图案 石油词汇英语翻译(U-Z) ... X-ray diffraction method X 射线衍射法X-ray diffraction patternX射线衍射图案... www.zftrans.com|基于19个网页 2. X线绕射线谱 地质学专业词汇中英翻译(10) ... X线光谱仪 X-ray spectrometerX线...
X-ray diffraction pattern 英 [eks reɪ dəˈfrækʃən ˈpætn] 美 [eks reɪ dəˈfrækʃən ˈpætərn]X射线衍射图;X射线衍射花样 ...
以镍作为滤光片吸收由铜靶产生的 \text{K}_{\beta} X-ray,对镍的选择的依据在于:镍的吸收限位于铜靶产生的X射线的 \text{K}_\alpha X-ray和 \text{K}_\beta 之间。如下图所示,在经过滤光后, \text{K}_\alpha:\text{K}_\beta 由75:1变为500:1。 X射线-晶格交互 衍射图样(diffraction patter...
英文: Identification on pheretima by X-Ray diffraction Fourier pattern method中文: 广地龙的X射线衍射Fourier谱鉴定 英文: Identification on Folium Pyrrosiae by X-ray diffraction Fourier fingerprint pattern method中文: 石韦的X射线衍射Fourier指纹图谱鉴定研究 ...
5) X-ray diffraction pattern X射线衍射图案 6) broad line (转)宽(绕射)线(x- 光) 补充资料:X射线粉末衍射法 分子式: CAS号: 性质:在X射线衍射分析中,采用单色X射线和粉末状多晶样品进行衍射的一种方法。多晶试样大多数情况是多晶粉末,也可以是多晶片或丝。衍射线条的位置、强度,可用德拜法、聚焦法...
Are the x-ray diffraction patterns indexed?是什么意思 在爱克斯光衍射样品的索引?重点词汇释义 x-ray diffraction爱克斯光衍射 patterns方式; 榜样( pattern的名词复数 ); 样品; 花样; 模仿( pattern的第三人称单数 ); 以图案装饰; 复写; 使形成 indexed编入索引的,被变址的,与生活 ...
High-temperature X-ray diffraction - a powerful technique to analyze your sample 80 -- 15:17 App How to plot XRD data in origin - From machine data to a publishable graph 127 -- 50:54 App Introduction to X-ray Diffraction 56 -- 1:01:56 App New opportunities for materials science ...
1英语翻译The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were recordedon a X-ray power diffractometer using Cu Ka radiation(0.15418 nm) (PANalytical Co.X’pert PRO,Netherlands) operated under a voltage of 40 kV and acurrent of 40 mA. 2TheX-raydiffraction (XRD) patternswererecordedonaX-raypowerdiffracto...
when X-ray beams of known wavelength are directed through a crystal or on to a crystal, they produce a diffraction pattern, which depends on the crystal structure of the material. The diffraction methods are: Lauegrams technique, X-ray powder photography, and the X-ray back reflection method...