In this Rapid Communication, we investigate the optical Stark effect in resonant optical harmonic generation using the A exciton transition of WS2. Multidimensional pump-harmonic-probe measurements, in which the probe is second- or third-harmonic emission, reveal not only large Stark shifts that are...
Exciton Emission Enhancement in Two-Dimensional Monolayer Tungsten Disulfide on a Silicon Substrate via a Fabry–Pérot Microcavity Xiaotian Bao, Jianwei Shi, Xu Han, Keming Wu, Xin Zeng, Yuexing Xia, Jinghan Zhao, Zhiyong Zhang, Wenna Du, Shuai Yue, Xianxin Wu, Bo Wu, Yuan Huang*, Wenkai ...
EXCITON theoryMost of the previous TMDC-photon coupling devices were mainly based on A exciton due to its high oscillator strength and large exciton binding energy. Less effort has been focused on the modulation of the emission of B exciton and Rydberg states in TMDCs, especially i...
Moiré superlattices (MSLs) created by a twist inspire a hot area of ‘twistronics’ for advanced materials sciences. With the help of periodic moiré patterns, MSLs could optimize the structure and energy band1,2, resulting in many phenomena, including moiré phonon3, moiré exciton4,5,6,...
1 WSe2 A exciton gate behaviour. a, Reflection contrast spectra for the lowest-energy WSe2 A exciton resonance in region 2 of device D1 when the local top-gate voltage Vtop is tuned from 0.5 V to –3.5 V. Region 2 is not affected when the hole concentration is tuned in region 1 by...
The optoelectronic properties of atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides(TMDs)are largely influ-enced by defect populations(DPs).In this work,we fabricate WS2 monolayers with different DPs by varying the fabrication methods and further reveal their distinct exciton-exciton in-teractions.Steady-st...
我们的研究结果为TMDC 摩尔异质结构中杂化激子寿命的研究提供了新的见解。电和功率可调混合激子寿命的研究是实现基于二维材料范德华异质结构的高效激子器件的一步。文章以“Control of Hybrid Exciton Lifetime in MoSe2/WS2 Moiré Heterostructures”为题发表在著名期刊Advanced Science上。
上述研究工作得到了国家自然科学基金(91850207,12104421,51771078等)和国家重点研发计划(2017YFA0303504,2018YFA0305800)等项目的支持。 论文信息: Revealing the Competition between Defect-Trapped Exciton and Band-Edge Exciton Photoluminescence in Monolayer Hexagonal WS2 ...
Phason-mediated interlayer exciton diffusion in WS2/WSe2 moir\\'e heterostructure work, we demonstrate how phasons are integral to properly describing and understanding low-temperature interlayer exciton diffusion in WS2/WSe2 heterostructure... A Rossi,J Zipfel,I Maity,... - arXiv e-prints 被引...
的1s态A激子荧光在压力下蓝移,发光强度变弱。根据 单层WS 2 的高压吸收光谱分析得到高压下光学带隙变大,自旋轨道耦合相互作用几乎不变。结合其荧光峰强度和吸收强度变化分析,得到高压下库伦作用加强,出现中性到负电激子的转化机制。关键词:化学气相沉积,高压物理,拉曼散射光谱,荧光及吸收光谱,激子,二硫化钼,...