“Write every day” is advice I should probably take to heart, yet I go days without opening a notebook or Word document, exchanging that writing time for binge watching reality TV. The only advice that I have always felt is most important, is that to write well, you have to read lots...
It should be such an essay that the teacher, who dared to assign this task, reads it with an open mouth – and with tears of amazement and a trembling hand, gives it an “A.” EssayShark Topics Posted on October 28, 2024 View topics → Sociology Research Topics: 100 Exclusive Ideas ...
Pick the correct size and structure at the very beginning to avoid tears and sweat. To create cushioning for your cover letter, do the following: Set one-inch cover letter margins on all sides. Make a 1-1.5 line space and double space between paragraphs. Do not use justification. Left-...
June 2008:TextorPDF: A Backup Strategy 4 U. Pattern and Formula in Fiction. Web Sites and Blogging, Part 5. May 2008:TextorPDF: Managing Your Drafts. Your Novel’s First Paragraph. Web Sites and Blogging, Part 4. Interview — John Olson’s Promotion Strategy. April 2008:TextorPDF: The ...
I have like eight crystal tears. Just been whomping my way through everything without it. 2 1 Christopher Buecheler @cwbuecheler.com ⋅ 2d What the hell is going on with plane crashes right now? Christopher Buecheler @cwbuecheler.com ⋅ 3d Companies will spend a hojillion dollars to ...
In that white hot writing—the first draft when you are madly chasing along after the plot without having any idea where your character is taking you—there is just story, not yet book. I think I read it to friends over Zoom that night. I remember tears. Mine. Maybe theirs, too. Who...
Some residents offered extreme sympathy, pointing out that she was apologizing profusely, with abundant tears. She didn’t mean it, and it was a tragedy, and she should be forgiven. Others spoke up that she should have been arrested on the spot. (She was detained, but released.) ...
Your tears come easy, when you’re young, and beginning the world. Your tears come easy, when you’re old, and leaving it. I burst out crying. Such was the style of the age, right? Things got easier, thank goodness. About 25 years later, two guys named Holmes and Watson showed up...
hislipsshakingandtearsrunningdownhischeek.Hereplied,uThankyou,thankyou, sir.Thisreallymeansalottomeandmyfamily." Paragraph2: ThatdaymyfatherandIwentbacktoourrar.Wedidn'tgotothecircusthat night.WhenIaskeddadwhyhedidso,Dadsaid,"Mychild,itwasaheartbreaking andembarrassingsituationforafather.Surelyhewasn't...
Don’t be daunted if you never make it entirely through the course. If printed to PDF, the content is about 900 pages. And I keep adding to the content, refining it, rearranging and adjusting it as I see fit and as I grow my experience and awareness. It’s a living document. Almost...