curriculum vitae Currier currish currishly curry curry favor curry favour curry powder curry sauce currycomb curse curse word cursed cursed crowfoot cursed with cursedly cursive cursive script Cursive writing cursor cursorial cursorily Cursorius Cursorius cursor cursory curst curt curtail curtailment curtain...
Some kids are ready to move into these notebooks by November or December. My goal is to have the majority of kids in them by the start of the 2nd semester. I'm not going to lie--these notebooks are not perfect. I still think the lines are too small for most kindergartners. And we...
I think the curriculum may vary in different schools. My daughters were taught cursive at their public school in PA, using the workbooks calledHandwriting without Tears. (The title is a clue.) In college now, both write an acceptable cursive and can read their grandmothers’ beautiful penmanship...
Please don’t forget. Don’t comply with trump’s Orwellian admonition, “What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” We must remember all the disappearing truths, as trump scrubs government websites and education curriculums of the facts about America’s past a...
They’re great for engaging kids in solo play, whether at home, in a classroom, or traveling on a family trip. They’re also helpful tools for educators and curriculum creators, from preschool to upper elementary. Writers of any age, at any stage of their career, can use them as story...
TheGet Set for Schoolprogram is the high quality program you would expect from Handwriting Without Tears. This program was designed specifically for the preschool years, and uses the fun methods you would expect for that age. This program employs a unique, multisensory approach which prepares chil...
It's Your Writing Curriculum (or lack of one) Why? Writing Curricula Have A Fundamental Flaw: They Are Trying To Teach YOU To Teach Your Child How To Write Correctly Isn't That The Point? No. Unless You... Want To Bore Them Out Of Their Minds ...
activity that asks kids to trace letters, give them cues about where to start and the strokes to use that are consistent with the handwriting program your district uses. If you don’t have an established handwriting program in place, check outHandwriting Without Tearsfor lots of great support....
Is there a way to make early reading intervention fun, effective, and accessible for all children? PlayRoly is proving that the answer is yes! In this episode of The Writing Glitch, host Cheri Dotterer sits down with Lisa Sturdy, founder of PlayRoly, to discuss how this free literacy tool...
Advocating abstinence only campaigns, refusing condoms and birth-control education, and scaring the bejeesus out of children with tales about vagina dentata and smitings for kissing and touching, Sprigg and his colleagues are opposed to any sex-ed curriculum that would suggest respecting homosexuality...