Handwriting Without Tears is a proven program for teaching handwriting to children. Developed by OTs, it uses multisensory techniques to make writing fun.
Employing Handwriting without Tears to Teach a 4-Yearold Preschool Student to Write His Name with the Appropriate Size, Shape, and Form Combined With an Imitate/Trace/Copy/Memory Proceduredoi:10.26634/jpsy.8.4.3267Emalia C SteeleT F Mclaughlin...
This Handwriting Without Tears Style Workbook Bundle set teaches students how to form number 0 -20, uppercase letters, and lowercase letters, allows for guided practice, and offers ample space to repeatedly practice number and letter formation! This resource includes: Cover page - perfect for bindi...
Discover Learning Without Tears’ Handwriting Without Tears program for children! A multisensory approach to make writing fun and easy.
This study explores the effectiveness of the Handwriting Without Tears(®) (HWT) kindergarten printing curriculum in general education through a consultative approach with occupational therapy.One cohort of students was the control (n = 19), whereas two other cohorts were experimental groups printing...
Discover Learning Without Tears’ Handwriting Without Tears program for children! A multisensory approach to make writing fun and easy.
(2012). The effects of using Handwriting without Tears(R) to teach thirty-one integrated preschoolers of varying academic ability to write their names. Academic Research International, 2(2), 373--378. Retrieved from
These results support the effectiveness of collaborative instruction using Handwriting Without Tears with kindergarten students.doi:10.1080/19411243.2018.1476200Beth S. RandallJournal of Occupational Therapy Schools & Early Intervention
For these reasons and more, Handwriting Without Tears earned a Cool Tool Award (finalist) for “Best Curriculum and Instruction Solution” as part of The EdTech Awards 2024 from EdTech Digest. HWT is available in English and Spanish and is ESSA Evidence Tier 2.Learn more. ...
FREE 4.8 (117) Log in to Download Wish List Number Poem - Handwriting Without Tears Style Created by Ms VH This is a poem I made for my students to read and practice writing their numbers in the Handwriting Without Tears style. I model each number on the board one at a time while ...