人教版(新教材)高中英语选修1Unit 1 People of Achievement精品学案:Writing—A description of someone.docx,人教版(新教材)高中英语选择性必修第一册 PAGE PAGE 1 Writing—A description of someone 写作指导 本单元的写作任务是描述一个人物,即通过文字对人物的外貌、
Period Six Writing—A description of someone Learning Aims(学习目标) 1.Learn how to write a description of someone 2.Practice writing one(重点难点) 本单元的写作任务是描述一个人物,即通过文字对人物的外貌、个性以及主要事迹和贡献进行描述和说明。人物描写的写作步骤:首先,对此人进行简要的介绍,比如其...
06:28 1.3 Language features of job descriptions 06:05 1.4 Case study: Poor Job Description dooms failure-two lawsuits in the US(上) 06:08 1.4 Case study: Poor Job Description dooms failure-two lawsuits in the US(下) 07:36 2.1 What is recruitment? 05:23 2.2 Internal recruiting and exter...
Writing—Write a description of a person 人物描写一、文体特点人物描写是记叙文的一种。是对人物外貌、个性以及主要事迹和贡献进行描述。二、审题谋篇 [审题定调]对人物的描写,首先要对此人进行简要的介绍,包括生平、事件、职业、贡献等。其次,挑选出此人一生中比较重要的事迹进行描写,要尽可能的详细,这影响到...
When writing a description of a historical event, which word can best convey the idea of "a large number of people" in a more formal and precise way? A. many B. a great deal of C. a large amount of D. a multitude of 相关知识点: 试题来源: ...
Writing13 Write a description of an event.Write a description of either an event on the streets of your town or a sports or musical event that you recently attended. Write 200-250 words. Include the following information:. when the event took place. where the event took place. who you we...
If you are writing a description of a country,say,Australia,identify the items you would include in the description.Write the letters on the given line below.a.location b.size c.terrain d.climate e.population f.language g.religionWrite your answer here:1.___.Part ...
Writing—A description of someonePeriod 写作指导 本单元的写作任务是描述一个人物,即通过文字对人物的外貌、个性以及主要事迹和贡献进行描述和说明。 人物描写的写作步骤: 首先,对此人进行简要的介绍,比如其职业、生平、事件等。 其次,挑选出此人一生中比较重要的事迹进行描写,要尽可能详细,因为这影响到人们对他的...
【英语】Unit 4 Writing A Description of Body Language UNIT4 Writing—Adescriptionofbodylanguage 技法点拨 写作指导 本单元的写作任务是对肢体语言做一个简单的介绍或描述,难度不大。但在写作过程中,切忌对要描写的东西做简单的罗列,要注意事物之间的逻辑性,也就是要按照一定的顺序逐一阐述,有详有略。另外...