i would like a macro that will target the nearest enemy, cast lightning bolt once and then cast ghost wolf in one click. i would be using this for farming low level creatures (that can be dropped with a single lightning bolt)for skinning more quickly. i would be binding this to a mous...
/target Pugar //选择自己,假设自己的名字是Pugar /cast Lesser Heal (Rank 1) //施展次级治疗rank1 /script TargetLastEnemy(); //重新选择刚刚选择的敌人 /script AttackTarget(); //攻击,等同于右键点击敌人 18.对于一个术士很有用的宏:首先将目标转为拖怪手或者坦克正在攻击的目标,然后命令宠物向前攻击...
决。举个简单的例子:/施放 闷棍(等级 x)/p 我已闷掉了%t,请勿打醒。这个宏的效果就是对者目标放闷棍,然后报告队友。宏的设置很简单。打开宏主对话框(/macro),点新建,在新对话框里给你的 按钮起名字选图标,然后在主对话框上半部分就有了你的那个按钮,在下半部 分可以像编辑写字板那...
/script if (UnitName("target") ~=nil and UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)") SendChatMessage("即将治疗 %T", "Party") else TargetUnit ("player") CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)") TargetLastEnemy(); end 并不值得推荐。而且后一个宏会切换当前目标,中断...
TargetUnit("player") CastSpellByName("Heal(Rank X)") TargetLastEnemy(); end 6。加速任务显示速度 /script QUEST_DEscriptION_GRADIENT_CPS = 600000 /script RegisterForSave("QUEST_DEscriptION_GRADIENT_CPS")/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("quest text will scroll faster now");7。
/script if (UnitName(target) ~=nil and UnitIsFriend(player,target)) then CastSpellByName(Heal(Rank X)) SendChatMessage(Incoming Heal to %T, Party) else TargetUnit(player) CastSpellByName(Heal(Rank X)) TargetLastEnemy(); end 6。加速任务显示速度 ...
/script if (UnitName("target") ~=nil and UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then CastSpellByName("Heal(Rank X)") SendChatMessage("Incoming Heal to %T", "Party") else TargetUnit("player") CastSpellByName("Heal(Rank X)") TargetLastEnemy(); end 6。加速任务显示速度 /script ...
/script TargetLastEnemy(); //重新选择刚刚选择的敌人 /script AttackTarget(); //攻击,等同于右键点击敌人 18.对于一个术士很有用的宏:首先将目标转为拖怪手或者坦克正在攻击的目标,然后命令宠物向前攻击 ,跟着一个虚弱诅咒。 /assist 队伍中的拖怪手或者坦克的名字 /script PetAttack(); /cast Curse...
Normal behavior: using a plain spell from your actionbar on a low level ally will automatically downrank the spell as needed to heal the target Macro behavior: spell is not cast, says “Target is too low level” In other words, I have to swap to a separate bar without macros on it ...
Interupts spell cast of focused enemy, interupts spell cast of current target if no enemy is focused. Since Wind Shear is off the GCD, casting Lightning Bolt in the same macro minimizes dps loss. Outside of combat, the macro serves as a dismount button. ...