i would like a macro that will target the nearest enemy, cast lightning bolt once and then cast ghost wolf in one click. i would be using this for farming low level creatures (that can be dropped with a single lightning bolt)for skinning more quickly. i would be binding this to a mous...
/script if ( SpellIsTargeting() ) then SpellTargetUnit("player"); end /script if (UnitName("target") ~=nil and UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)") SendChatMessage("即将治疗 %T", "Party") else TargetUnit ("player") CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)...
/script TargetUnit(GetPartyMember(2)) CastSpellByName(Heal(Rank X)) TargetLastEnemy() 给队友3加血: /script TargetUnit(GetPartyMember(3)) CastSpellByName(Heal(Rank X)) TargetLastEnemy() 15。一键解决喂养宠物:这个宏会从最左边的袋子里的第一个位置拿出食物喂养宠物,如果所在的位置 没有食物,...
/script if ( SpellIsTargeting() ) then SpellTargetUnit("player"); end /script if (UnitName("target") ~=nil and UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)") SendChatMessage("即将治疗 %T", "Party") else TargetUnit ("player") CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)...
Targeting: In-GameHotKeyClassConfiguration KeyActionDescription Target Nearest Enemy Tab TargetNearestTarget --- Target Pet Multiply TargetPet Only pet based class Target Last Target G TargetLastTarget Loot last target Interact With Mouseover J InteractMouseOver Mouse based actions Interact With Target...
Macro FunctionsCreateMacro("name", icon, "body", local) - Create a new macro. DeleteMacro(index) - Deletes a macro. EditMacro(index, "name", iconIndex, "body", local) - Saves a macro. GetMacroIconInfo(index) - Returns texture of the icons provided by Blizzard. GetMacroIndexByName("...
When you use the macro option, you are actually casting the spell or using the item directly on the unit without changing targets. Macro options will be covered in great detail in Part II. For now, here's how to use the targeting commands. ...
If you use 'shift' when pressing this macro it will SW: D your focus target. Great for Mage sheeps. #showtooltip Shadow Word: Death /stopcasting /cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] Shadow Word: Death; Shadow Word: Death 基本功能同上,同时,当你按住shift+宏时,将会对焦点目标放灭,对法师的羊...