/console SET targetNearestDistanceRadius "50" 改TAB身后距离0-50码,默认是10码 敌方血条显示命令 /脚本 SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemyGuardians",0) 守护者 /脚本 SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemyMinions",0) 仆从 /脚本 SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemyPets",0) 宠物 /脚本 SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemyTotems",0) 图腾 ...
/script if UnitExists("pet") then AssistUnit("pet"); end; if (not UnitExists("target")) then TargetNearestEnemy();end/script if (not UnitExists("target")) then TargetLastEnemy() end宏1:拉怪功能:组队拉怪放标记,显示选中目标的名字等信息。注意:先要选中一个敌人建议:与宏0结合使用,方便无比...
/script if (UnitName("target") ~=nil and UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)") SendChatMessage("即将治疗 %T", "Party") else TargetUnit ("player") CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)") TargetLastEnemy(); end 并不值得推荐。而且后一个宏会切换当前目标,中断...
1:将“TAB”的最远距离改为50码 (最大是50) /console SET targetNearestDistance “50” 2:用TAB选择身后的目标最远设为50码 (默认是10码) /console SET tar。
TargetUnit(player) CastSpellByName(Heal(Rank X)) TargetLastEnemy(); end 6。加速任务显示速度 /script QUEST_DEscriptION_GRADIENT_CPS = 600000 /script RegisterForSave(QUEST_DEscriptION_GRADIENT_CPS) /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(quest text will scroll faster now); ...
/script TargetUnit(GetPartyMember(3)) CastSpellByName(Heal(Rank X)) TargetLastEnemy() 15。一键解决喂养宠物:这个宏会从最左边的袋子里的第一个位置拿出食物喂养宠物,如果所在的位置 没有食物,它会自动打开袋子。 /script if (not PlayerFrame.inCombat) then if (not GetContainerItemLink(4, 1)) ...
/cast [target=player] 真言术:盾 说明:不丢失目标,并对自己施放真言术:盾 4.能量灌注+心暴 #showtooltip 能量灌注 /stopcasting /cast 能量灌注 /stopcasting /use 14 /cast 心灵专注 /stopcasting /cast 心灵震暴 5.将“TAB”的最远距离改为50码 (最大是50) ...
You yourself are accessed by the "player" ID, and if you have a pet it would be referenced by "pet." You can also append "target" to the end of any valid unit ID to arrive at that unit's target. There is a joke about Kevin Bacon involving a macro like: /target targettarget...