The cosmos has 300 points on the table it can earn. We’ll be back in about a year to see how it does for 2025. Off we go. There are consequences to be borne and whirlwinds to be reaped. So that is what I have. What are your happy, positive, maybe slightly passive-aggressive v...
To use your TBC example, not getting DHs during that expack meant waiting 10 years for Legion to thread similar enough thematics to justify them. It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction. ...
Although Eitrigg is a Blackrock clan orc, when accompanying a player as a Champion Bodyguard in Legion, other players see him as a generic Warsong Warrior. In his appearance on the Broken Shore, his generic name is Horde Warrior, while in Drustvar, it is Grizzled Orcish Commander. During ...
Although Eitrigg is a Blackrock clan orc, when accompanying a player as a Champion Bodyguard in Legion, other players see him as a generic Warsong Warrior. In his appearance on the Broken Shore, his generic name is Horde Warrior, while in Drustvar, it is Grizzled Orcish Commander. During ...
the Valley of Strength, Warchief Garrosh used to rule with the continuing support of his advisors the blood knight Master Pyreanor, the warrior Eitrigg, and formerly the wise shaman Sauranok the Mystic, with whom he planned on how to deal with the Alliance, Scourge, and Burning Legion forces...
LegionThis section concerns content related to Legion.High Commander Goodchilde, leader of the remnants crusaders before the fall of the order.At the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the Knights of the Ebon Blade assaulted the Scarlet Monastery, now led by High Commander Good...
Later, the satyrs reappeared serving Tichondrius and the Burning Legion. They tried to stop the night elves, led by Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion, from awakening the Druids of the Talon, but they were killed by the night elven raid. Later the satyrs faced and tried to stop Illidan Storm...
Its head, Archbishop Alonsus Faol, worked closely with Lothar in the formation of a new order of warrior-priests, the paladins. A handful of chosen knights and other individuals were trained stringently in both the ways of combat and the Light. Representing the highest values of humanity, this...
In order to hasten the fall of mortal worlds, the nathrezim created the runeblade Apocalypse, which could spread plagues and paranoia and thereby weaken mortal civilizations and leave them vulnerable to conquest by the Legion. Apocalypse wasn't crafted by a single dreadlord; instead, over the cour...
In the aftermath of the Burning Legion's invasion, the citizens of Stormwind and the Alliance lost their leader, High King Varian Wrynn. Anduin lost his father and some of his innocence as he was entrusted with the command of the Alliance's armies amidst a violent war, a task he felt ...