Eitrigg is voiced by Fred Tatasciore in Mists of Pandaria, Legion and Battle for Azeroth. Although Eitrigg is a Blackrock clan orc, when accompanying a player as a Champion Bodyguard in Legion, other players see him as a generic Warsong Warrior. In his appearance on the Broken Shore, his ...
In Legion, the mo'arg's role as engineers seems to have been dispersed throughout other demons, with the antaen Kin'garoth taking the position of chief engineer for the Legion. Meanwhile the gan'arg's role was mostly given to wyrmtongues, with non-felguard mo'arg presence being only ma...
Following the defeat of the Burning Legion during the Argus Campaign, the Alliance sought new allies to replenish their depleted ranks and bolster their forces in the event of future Horde aggression. Thanks to the efforts of Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner, the Alliance recruited both the Lightforg...
Following the defeat of the Burning Legion during the Argus Campaign, the Alliance sought new allies to replenish their depleted ranks and bolster their forces in the event of future Horde aggression. Thanks to the efforts of Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner, the Alliance recruited both the Lightforg...
During theBurning Legion's third invasion of Azeroth, theEarthen Ring, deciding to summon the Elemental Lords in order to combat the Legion, starts with Neptulon. While Neptulon listens to the Earthen Ring's plea, he insists that the Elemental Lords do not work together. When the Earthen Ring...
“I... am the reason for the Legion's return. Years ago, I brought the orcs into this world, and by doing so, I opened a path for the demons as well. For my sins, I was murdered by those who I cared for the most. Despite my death, war raged across the lands of the east ...
The Gathering was an event in the Arathi Highlands of the Eastern Kingdoms that occurred after the Argus Campaign but before the Burning of Teldrassil. When it happened, it was a historic event that allowed both Forsaken and humans to mingle in peace,	
This requires reading the [Tome of the Hybrid Beast], which in turn requires completion of the Broken Shore storyline (Legionfall campaign) and the hunter class mount storyline. In the RPGThis section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon....
This week's Legionfail campaign Replies: 10 Views: 3,201 Darsithis 2017-05-09, 02:34 PM Poll: What expansion did you start playing WoW? « 1 2 3 ... 7 » Replies: 129 Views: 18,185 Ritushido 2017-05-09, 02:09 PM What's left of Vanilla? « 1 2 3 ... 6 ...
Leveling/Horde War Campaign updated Leveling/Horde Zuldazar updated Leveling/Neutral Legion Hunter updated We have a few fixes in the 8.1.0B release (compared to 8.1.0A): Taking Taxi steps will not complete if you could not take the taxi. ...