p.s. in legion i had 15 characters and ALL of them got mage tower on all specs and full class campaign quests/mount/gear(Class Hall Set) I'm actually having fun, because maining a char means a lot of time investment. I need to carefully choose what I want to play. This is how ...
For now WOD and partially Legion - are only xpacks, that have good casual content/reward structure. FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame. Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing. Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics...
local guide = WoWPro:Deprecated(“LarePetWQ”,”Dailies”,”Legion”,”Larenon”,”Neutral”) WoWPro:GuideLevels(guide,110, 110, 110) WoWPro:GuideIcon(guide,”ICON”,”Interface\\ICONS\\INV_Pet_BabyBlizzardBear”) WoWPro.Dailies:GuideNameAndCategory(guide,”Battle Pet World Quests”,”Pets...
Legion:Suramar, Draenor:The Garrison Campaignchapters, Pandaria:Isle of ThunderandKrasarang Wilds, Northrend:Zul'Drak. Settings: added option to hide the zone story details/tooltip in zones where the achievement already has been completed.
Eitrigg attended a dinner with the Horde leaders after the defeat of the Burning Legion.[31] Soon later, he arrived to the Orgrimmar Embassy with the other leaders. Eitrigg with Magni and the other Horde heroes.When Magni called upon the champions of the Armies of Legionfall to draw the co...
Are all of these void creatures all the same? if so are they elemental/demon or both? and also is their relation to either the old gods, the burning legion and Dimensious simply one of enforced control? And finally what is the relation between them and the "Dead" naaru?
the Valley of Strength, Warchief Garrosh used to rule with the continuing support of his advisors the blood knight Master Pyreanor, the warrior Eitrigg, and formerly the wise shaman Sauranok the Mystic, with whom he planned on how to deal with the Alliance, Scourge, and Burning Legion forces...
LegionThis section concerns content related to Legion.High Commander Goodchilde, leader of the remnants crusaders before the fall of the order.At the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the Knights of the Ebon Blade assaulted the Scarlet Monastery, now led by High Commander Good...
Following the defeat of the Burning Legion during the Argus Campaign, the Alliance sought new allies to replenish their depleted ranks and bolster their forces in the event of future Horde aggression. Thanks to the efforts of Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner, the Alliance recruited both the Lightforg...
Buff the rate that Legionfall Supplies contribute to building the Mage Tower/Command Center/Nether Disruptor Repeatable quests for Dalaran/Illustrious Jewelcrafter’s Tokens (IE: Titanium Powder), or increase the rewards from the daily quests for both, or make both purchasable for Timewarped Badges...