Shift to Cat Form from any form – note: to have this macro also de-shift you, include “[stance:3] Cat Form; ” somewhere in the /cancelaura line. /cancelaura [stance:1] Dire Bear Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form <or Tree of Lif...
Requested WoW macro facebooktweet Hey guys! So my druid is finally the proud owner of Fendral's Flamescythe (i.e. fire kitty staff). I'd like to add a macro to my say /shred ability that equips/unequips the staff as needed. Logistically I know exactly what to do .. syntax wise ...
, travel form is not the fastest way to travel in this case. Though it does take detract form the instantaneous shifting feel of the druid and this macro, 40% is far slower than 100% movement speed increase. I’d say just swap in your favorite mount in the place of travel form, that...
Shadowlands Speed Shifting MacroAs of 9.0, the stag part of Travel Form can no longer be ridden by party members. You must either speak to Amurra Thistledew in The Dreamgrove (Legion class order hall in Val'sharah) or to Lorelae Wintersong in Moonglade and purchase Tome of the Wilds: ...
Unlike Cat/Bear/Water forms, pressing this while inside travel form cancels travel form. There is no reason to power shift from travel > travel, so this macro lets you go directly to travel form from any form, and also lets you cancel travel form while inside. I also added /stand so ...
Shaman Travel MacroThis is a macro I adapted from a similar druid travel macro now that Ghost Wolf is usable indoors. /stopcasting /cast [swimming] Water Walking; /cast [indoors] Ghost Wolf; /cast [flyable,nocombat] Flying Mount Name; /cast [combat,outdoors] Ghost Wolf; /use [nocombat,...
Druid Travel Form Macro Help Replies:2 Views: 18,956 BobAwesome 2022-07-24,06:57 PM Page 22 of 1378First... 12 20 21 22 23 24 32 72 122 522 1022 ...Last Quick NavigationInterface & MacrosTop MMO-Champion »Forum »World of Warcraft ...
The following macro solves this problem: /cancelaura Horn of Winter /cast Horn of Winter Leaving a formWith the exception of Warriors, any class with stances (Druids, Priests with Shadowform, Rogues with Stealth, etc.) can use /cancelform to leave their current form. Example: ...
Class: Warrior Priest Druid Rogue --- Stance:1 Battle Shadowform Bear Stealth --- Stance:2 Defensive Aquatic --- Stance:3 Berserker Cat ---