The WoW forums are here: World of Warcraft Forums World of Warcraft Forums 1 Like NavyOrc-24364 February 23, 2024, 10:34am 3 The option to choose between druid ground and flight travel forms inside passport pages. It’s frustrating to invest in travel forms like Mark of the Cheetah ...
Druids are, by definition, Jack of all trades, and they can assume four different forms—bear, cat, moonkin, and travel form which will vary depending if you’re traveling in water, by foot, or you’re flying. InLegion, Druids got a ton of new customizations via Artifact Weapons, but...
The druid's most notable ability is shapeshifting into different forms. These following forms can be obtained when reaching a certain level: [Moonkin Form] (Balance specialization only), [Cat Form], [Bear Form], and [Travel Form] (which increases speed in a form appropriate to the location...
Dire Bear Formis your best counter to melee. Keep bleeds or DoTs up on the target, keep heals on yourself, and spend lots of time kiting around in Bear Form, which will lower your damage taken substantially. You can also easily kite most melee withTravel FormandNature's Grasp, allowing ...
[Shaman] and [Druid] travel forms also exhibit this multiplicative stacking; the 15% increase they receive from the [PvP-Rare] set yielding a total SUSTAINED speed of 161%. This mechanic was changed to be additive in later expansions, but in vanilla it is multiplicative. Druid Threat and Ra...
Travel Form can be used while outdoors to move faster. Aquatic Form will be activated when using Travel Form in water, swimming at much faster speeds. Flight Form will be activated when using Travel Form outdoors and out of combat, instantly granting flying mount equivalent speed. This can als...
Travel Form + Nature’s Grasp – note: you can cast Nature’s Grasp in forms /cancelaura [stance:1] Dire Bear Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form <or Tree of Life> /cancelaura [mounted] Frostwolf Howler <replace with your mount> ...
Druids present the greatest variety among all the various classes in WoW. Variety counts for a lot; it keeps you interested and having fun. Tired of melee? Go Balance, or Restoration perhaps. And, to a great extent, you can switch forms on the fly. The makes the Druid one of the ...
Unlike Cat/Bear/Water forms, pressing this while inside travel form cancels travel form. There is no reason to power shift from travel > travel, so this macro lets you go directly to travel form from any form, and also lets you cancel travel form while inside. I also added /stand so ...
Powershift Macro(all forms) for breaking snares fast and staying in form- /cast [stance:1] !Dire Bear Form; [stance:4] !Travel form; [stance:3] !Cat Form; [stance:5] !Tree of Life Nature’s Swiftness + Healing Touch(requires two presses if moving) ...