Druid Balance Class Set 4pc 德鲁伊平衡职业套装四件套 德魯伊平衡職業套裝4件 Druid Forms Trinket 德鲁伊饰品 德魯伊形態飾品 Druid Guardian Class Set 2pc 德鲁伊守护职业套装两件套 德魯伊守護者職業套裝2件 Druid Guardian Class Set 4pc 德鲁伊守护职业套装四件套 德魯伊守護者職業套裝4件 Druid Feral Clas...
Druid Balance Class Set 4pc 德鲁伊平衡职业套装四件套 德魯伊平衡職業套裝4件 Druid Forms Trinket 德鲁伊饰品 德魯伊形態飾品 Druid Guardian Class Set 2pc 德鲁伊守护职业套装两件套 德魯伊守護者職業套裝2件 Druid Guardian Class Set 4pc 德鲁伊守护职业套装四件套 德魯伊守護者職業套裝4件 Druid Feral Class Set...
Travel Form is a druid shapeshifting spell available at level 10, or learned from [1-10] A Druid's Form. It allows the druid to move faster depending on the environment.
/cancelaura [stance:1] Dire Bear Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form <or Tree of Life> /cancelaura [mounted] Frostwolf Howler <replace with your mount> /cast [nostance, swimming] Aquatic Form; [nostance, outdoors] Trav...
But you can double tap this macro and go from mounted > dismounted > travel form. #showtooltip travel form /dismount /stand /cast [stance:1] dire bear form; [stance:2] aquatic form; [stance:3] cat form /cast travel formCopy Mount Macro The game doesn’t allow you to mount up from...
There are countless locations across the world which are clearly OUTSIDE (minimap shows the sky not a cave or building), ground makeup is normal, and yet a druid is unable to use their important abilities like roots or travel form. Not only that, but they can’t mount. This is more ...
Similarly, night elf druids are black in flight form, while tauren are tan. With Cataclysm, tauren and draenei paladins receive Sunwalker Kodo and Exarch's Elekk, respectively, in place of chargers. ClassMount/formTypeSourceLevel Death knight Acherus Deathcharger (ability) Ground Into the ...
"Mounted" Player riding on a mount (druid form excluded) "BagFull" Inventory is full "BagGreyItem" Indicates that there are at least one Grey Quality level item. "Items Broken" Has any broken(red) worn item "HasRangedWeapon" Has equipped ranged weapon (wand/crossbow/bow/gun) "HasAmmo"...
, travel form is not the fastest way to travel in this case. Though it does take detract form the instantaneous shifting feel of the druid and this macro, 40% is far slower than 100% movement speed increase. I’d say just swap in your favorite mount in the place of travel form, ...
Swift Flight Form: Druids who have acquired a mount able to go 310% flight speed will now also go that speed while in this form. Swipe (Cat): Percent of weapon damage done reduced from 260% to 250%. Travel Form: Can now be learned at level 16. Talents Balance Balance of Power:...