I’ve been ganked alot by rogues or other druids while fishing, here’s how to react properly from within your normal bear form macro #showtooltip /dismount /stopcasting /cancelform [noform] /use [worn:Insignia of the Horde][combat] Insignia of the Horde /cast [noform] Dire Bear Form ...
So my druid is finally the proud owner of Fendral's Flamescythe (i.e. fire kitty staff). I'd like to add a macro to my say /shred ability that equips/unequips the staff as needed. Logistically I know exactly what to do .. syntax wise – I need help . ...
Shift to Dire Bear Form from any form – note: to have this macro also de-shift you, include “[stance:1] Dire Bear Form; ” somewhere in the /cancelaura line. /cancelaura [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form <or Tree ...
4th line: the reset timer is set to 10 minutes and it's put on a cast sequence so that each of the 3 guys i have it on casts it in order 1st guy: Rebirth(),, 2nd guy: ,Rebirth(), 3rd guy: ,,Rebirth() What this does is cause each of the different druids to cast nothing...
This change allows you to sustain adequate breath, via regular shifts into Aquatic Form, while still allowing you to have access to Cat and Bear forms as well. Restoration and Balance druids, this is great for you in all cases, why not be in cat form to hang with that impatient tank!
# Example 1 function DebugCastSwiftFlightForm() print("Druid Casting") local btn = CreateFrame("Button", "SwiftFlightFormButton", UIParent, "SecureActionButtonTemplate") -- Set the macro to cast Swift Flight Form btn:SetAttribute("type", "macro") btn:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/cast [nost...
Specifically as a Druid, one of the main struggles with the default interface will be managing and tracking the various resources and spells between forms, especially if you are playing a specialization like Feral that will be swapping forms frequently. This becomes especially apparent in PvP where...
The following macro solves this problem: /cancelaura Horn of Winter /cast Horn of Winter Leaving a formWith the exception of Warriors, any class with stances (Druids, Priests with Shadowform, Rogues with Stealth, etc.) can use /cancelform to leave their current form. Example: ...
The work-around is to use /click and point to a hidden actionbar with non-macro forms of the spells needed. From memory an example: #showtooltip /click [mod:shift,help,nodead] MultiBarLeftButton1;[help,nodead] MultiBarLeftButton2; /stopmacro [noharm] /startattack /cast [mod:shift] Moonfi...
Restoration Druid (A-Tier): PvP stalwart, mobility & HoTs keep the team going. Mistweaver Monk (B-Tier): Decent PvP healer, but struggles against top contenders. Discipline Priest (C-Tier): PvP challenge, limited tools & vulnerability to interrupts.However...