The WoW Classic Best Raids Tier List ranks what we think is the best and worst in the game. There is a couple of main factors that determine where we place a raid within this ranking, first is the overall difficulty this includes the time it takes to complete, mobs and bosses. The oth...
WoW Classic Phases While a clear best in slot (BiS) list is always available in WoW Classic, the items contained might be extremely hard or expensive to get. Thus, we will try to give at least one alternative, for most slots in the list, so that you can pick where and how to farm...
60 Troll Shaman0 Aug 2023 Bonerover: There’s no ranking anymore. There’s no ranking points but there is player ranks. Classic Era 1.14.4 PvP Update Now let’s look at the high-level goals for the new system: Eliminate ranking points- Competing against your own faction for standing is...
CloS: [Cloak of Shadows] CS: [Cheap Shot] Evis: [Eviscerate] FoK: [Fan of Knives] Hemo: [Hemorrhage] ISS: [Improved Sinister Strike] KS: [Kidney Shot] KSp: [Killing Spree] MoD: [Master of Deception] Premed: [Premeditation] Prep: [Preparation] SF: [Seal Fate] SnD: [Slice and Dic...
Here you can find a list of pre-raid gear for your Mage for World of Warcraft Classic. For the slots with only a single option it's because that piece is by far the best option for that slot. For example the Bloodvine set is BiS until AQ40. When there is