Raids on Onyxia will commence today at 15:00 server time. Join us in the first steps of endgame content on Onyxia. ONYXIA LAUNCH November 18, 2023 Onyxia has been launched! ONYXIA November 14, 2023 All accounts will be able to reserve one character name on Onyxia on November 15, 2023 a...
Expansion: WoW Classic Blackfathom Deeps is a sunken temple of Elune found in the Veiled Sea. The dungeon is fairly large, containing several naga, murlocs, and even a few hydras. You’ll slowly explore the temple ruins until you encounter Aku’mai, a pet of the Old Gods. A majority of...
Expansion: WoW Classic Stratholme is one of the most popular dungeons in the game, and is a key location for the storyline of Prince Arthas. It is here in Stratholme where Arthas betrayed Uther Lightbringer by killing subjects he believed to have the undead plague. In addition to the scour...
Expansion: WoW Classic Razorfen Downs is located directly next to Razorfen Kraul and once served as the capital city for the quilboars. This changed when the Scourge invaded and turned the city into an undead stronghold. Now you’ll need to take out the remaining quilboars and waves of Scou...
Shadow Prowler's Cloak58Cloak Draconic Infused Emblem58Trinket Tome of the Lost58Off-hand Additionally, General Drakkisath can drop all of the Tier 0 chest pieces. 7. Recommended Classes for Upper Blackrock Spire If you are going in underleveled,RoguesandMagesare excellent choices due to their...
Expansion: WoW Classic It has been heavily anticipated for years, but World of Warcraft Classic is finally almost here! Azeroth returns to the original aspects of Vanilla, bringing back all the gameplay and features that made it so nostalgic and beloved by players worldwide. World of Warcraft ...
2. WoW Classic Phases As stated by Blizzard, WoW Classic will have six phases, starting withMolten Core,Onyxia's Lair, andMaraudon, and ending withNaxxramasand the Scourge Invasion. We will be linking best in slot gear lists for every raid tier in this guide, which can be helpful in ord...
Expansion: WoW ClassicUnder @Torstein input and @teebling suggestion, this guide wants to be a point where to collect useful informations about special/hidden vendors in Azeroth! If we gather enough contributions we may decide to transform it in a full fledged guide!A hidden or special vendor ...
Scale of Onyxia— skinned from Onyxia and needed to make Onyxia Scale Cloak (Leatherworking), which people need to defeat Nefarian in Blackwing Lair; Core Leather— Ancient Core Hounds and Magmadar in Molten Core and used to make high-end Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, and Tailoring recipes; Pr...
Onyxia's Lair and Molten Core Now Live Experience Molten core as a 20-player dungeon with 10 classic bosses (+1,) revamped loot, redesigned Tier 1 sets, and more. Players will also be able to turn up the heat with a new variable difficulty mechanic allowing players to earn more rewards...