TheMolten CoreRaid also known asMCwill be one of the first Raids available in Classic WoW during Phase 1 and is famous for the Ragnaros Boss Fight. Release Time: Phase 1 Raid Loot Level– 66-76 Lockout Duration– 1 Week Important Loot Drops–Eye of Sulfuras used to make Sulfuras, Hand ...
pre-raid BIS very fast, and at the early days (I wasn’t around, but I assume) I doubt people waited around for everyone to get full pre-raid bis, they probably hit 60 and went into MC with what they had and hoped for the best in order not to miss a lockout, thus, quest gear...
Like me, who raided every single lockout P1 and P2, they left because of crap content. Our guild did not partake in gdkp. SoD just became un-fun. 1 Azstarys <The Gays> 943 posts 80 Mag'har Orc Death Knight 11540 Oct 2024 I went from raiding on 5 characters due to GDKP to ju...