In WoW Cataclysm, Retribution Paladins received a resource overhaul that is still controversial to this day. The addition of Holy Power changed how the class spec functioned despite it retaining its powerhouse status (like Death Knights) spawned from Wrath of the Lich King. Even so, the Ret Pal...
Template:Cata-inline (view source) Template:Clrl (view source) (protected) Template:Elinks (view source) Template:Elinks-NPC (view source) (protected) Template:Elinks-NPC2 (view source) Template:FactionIcon (view source) Template:Infobox (view source) (protected) Template:Itembox (view ...
Cata: The Cataclysm expansion CM: Community manager GG: Good game (often sarcastic) GJ: Good job (often sarcastic) Imba: Imbalanced; usually means "overpowered" IBTL: In before the lock L2P: Learn to play OP: Original post/original poster/over powered OT: Off-topic QFE: Quoted for excelle...
Fire From the SkyRequires you to use a demolisher to kill 100 infantrymen. Also Requires that you’ve completedFire From the Skynormal quest as a part of questing in uldum. This quest awards 250 reputation. Thieving Little PluckersRequires you to useTahret Dynasty Malletto smash thirty Sand ...
Making the game harder will just upset a lot of people. Don’t get me wrong, I would appreciate a bit more difficulty myself. But I’ve been here since cata. And brand new “me” would absolutely splat at anything harder than a murloc. I remember being Ret and thinking more stamina ...
No one was really wrong about Balance and Ret being terrible DPS specs, so using claims about the lack of viability of Feral tanks due to crushes and crits is sort of weak as far as an argument about whether people will be right or wrong about melee in general generally being weaker in...
calculator addons for 3.3.5 database cata addons leveling guides class guides hunter mage rogue warlock profession guides alchemy herbalism talent calculator database mop addons leveling guides general guides gear optimisation healing melee attacks tanking profession guides alchemy blacksmithing enchanting ...