Shadow Priest Throughout WoW's history, Shadow Priests have always been an extremely strong class spec, and that is no different in Cataclysm. Shadow Priests during Cata have a tool for every job, and it is this insane versatility, coupled with their high damage in every scenario, that puts...
Then it was off and on in Cata, Mists and they I can back for real in Shadowlands and been playing since then regularly. Currently I’m an officer in my guild and I’m responsible for the Mythic+ side in the guild, hosting event and such. Also have a passion for raiding and ...
Fire From the SkyRequires you to use a demolisher to kill 100 infantrymen. Also Requires that you’ve completedFire From the Skynormal quest as a part of questing in uldum. This quest awards 250 reputation. Thieving Little PluckersRequires you to useTahret Dynasty Malletto smash thirty Sand ...
in the old days I used to raid things like MC and BWL but just couldn’t keep up with the schedule. These days I’m more about farming transmog pieces, fishing and, like, Ultra Casual pvp. Sometimes I enjoy just chilling out in an a pretty area and watching other people run around....