and that is no different in Cataclysm. Shadow Priests during Cata have a tool for every job, and it is this insane versatility, coupled with their high damage in every scenario, that puts the class on the top of the food chain for DPS. ...
Besides Frost Mage I’ve mained at various points: Ret, Prot Pally, Havoc, Marks, Resto Druid, Guardian, Frost DK, and Unholy DK with Ret being my current key pushing toon. I’m primarily known for my Pally and DH. Other than PVE I’m an altoholic with all but one profession fully...
Not a world first guild but a server first one and we took hunters, ret pally, feral tank. The parselords talk a big game. Hawkeyes 79 posts 60 Human Warrior 0 Jan 2021 I don’t read that wall of text but I played on a hardcore guild in tbc and once geared the top 5 dpsers...
my rogue was my main. When I tanked on my pally in Wrath, I still played my rogue more. When I healed on a resto druid through Cata and into