Cata Classiclanded in freaking May, sozero pointsfor me on that front. 6– Pandamonium I don’t thinkCataclysm Classicwill be the disaster some think it will be, but I also don’t think it is going to hold player attention for as long asWrath Classicmanaged. Blizz will announceMists of...
(0=WoW, 1=BC, 2=WotLK, 3=Cata, 4=Mists, 5=Warlords, 6=Legion, 7=BfA, 8=Shadowlands)These functions only return meaningful values on Asian realms; all three relate to the play time limitation system. GetBillingTimeRested() - returns the time spent logged in current billing unit. ...
Do they not know that wrath and cata were amazing times to be a shaman? WOLVES WOLVES WOLVES! Äpathy: The Warden tank you’re talking about is an aussie. Haven’t seen him in a minute. I assume he’s living the good life in SOD where it’s an actual build that works in full....,Adds a Rule to Arkinventory that scan the Tooltip for Openable Items,"cata,classic,mainline,wrath",725618,,,True+713314310,Gnobesy,fvoges/Gnobesy,,This is a maintenance fork of the Gnobesy: Guild Bank E...
Up until mid Sanctum of Domination, I mained my Arms Warrior (Aiasor) but now main Holy Priest (Holyaia). My main interests include mythic + (where this season I achieved a raider io of 2300), heroic raiding and rated pvp (I was able to get a 2000cr in RBGS) and mount farming/...
Our main problem was which way to go… though since two of the paths in the instance kicked you back to the first intersection, it seemed likely that the middle path was the way forward. That involved a jellyfish elevator which I had vague memories of from back in the day. ...
As for ease of macroing rotations some specializations are much easier. BM Hunters, Frost Death Knights, Havoc Demon Hunters, Ret Paladins are probably the simplest. Affliction Warlocks, Fury and Arms Warriors, Assassination Rogues and Windwalker Monks are not much more difficult to set up reasonab...
The design of the Arms Warrior lost its way over the years, moving away from what Arms felt like when WoW was launched. The changes in Warlords should solve this and bring back the identity of the spec. Tol Barad went the wrong direction after Wintergrasp, as it focused...
Yes, I will not recommend the enchant Armsman for a simple reason. Those 2% threat generator are only 2%. It won’t scale. Those 2% threat won’t help you in threat generation that much sadly. Plus the parry rating benefit gets a huge diminishing return so it’s not that worth. You...
"Arms > Prot for tanking while leveling" Is tanking in Classic hard? Warrior tanking question while leveling Tips for tank Warrior for dead mines? Is there a way to deal with idiot DPS without getting blacklisted? Rolling warrior, looking for a levelling friendly build that allows tanking dunge...