It was fun for a time, but it was towards the end of LK, right before cata prepatch. I didn’t get too much time with it, but it felt substantially worse than just being mut. I could rack my points up hard, but, it didn’t do much more after that lol. Deunan: I KNEW IT ...
Arms warrior 5 warlock. The lock was only in the top 5 because he did amazing aoe damage. Also the arms warrior will be a thing in tbc for the buff it brings to melee. Once geared arms can actually compete with any spec and I seen our arms warrior beat the fury on several ...
[Deep Wounds] –Located in the arms tree, where you spill over in normal Fury spec’s. Deep Wounds accounts for a huge portion of Fury warrior’s damage. With very good gear, expect this to be doing more and more % of your damage as your crit increases. Now we have some of the ...
Brothers in Arms Alliance brothers of destiny Alliance brtohers of destiny Alliance Brutal Hero Horde Brutal Lords of Brasil Horde Brutal+Hero Horde BrutalHero Alliance Brutall Hero Horde Bryan Barber Alliance BS Alliance buba Alliance Budells Alliance Bumblebee Alliance Burned Alliance burning legion ...