Energy problems, etc...), and it had very few redeeming qualities that would be considered useful in a raid if you didn't have a Feral Druid or Arms Warrior present.
While I support a ban on GDKP in SoD, I don’t think we can see them restrict GDKP in Cata-C. In a new version like SoD, the ban can create a more positive effect, while in WOTLK - Cata, GDKP has existed for many years and created a whole community. It’s a good loot syst...
The top 3 remains quite stable with the Evoker-Paladin-Warrior trio reigning supreme. We see the first change of the week right after that though, as Frost DK continues its upward march in dungeons as well as in raids, taking 4th from Elemental. Both DKs are on the rise, as Unholy also...
Warrior • Role: Tank or DPS • Specializations: Arms (Melee DPS), Fury (Dual-wield DPS), Protection (Tank) • Playstyle: Warriors are the archetypal melee fighters, charging into battle and dealing damage with a variety of weapons. They can wear the heaviest armor and have abilities ...
Arms remains stable as two Hunters burst in, Beast Mastery taking 8th and Marksmanship 9th, as Frost Mage disappears down towards the bottom. Speaking of the bottom, Devastation gets some new roommates there, as Outlaw and Destruction fall and give Enhancement and Feral a break. Mythic+ All ...
Sure the Arms warrior can go Defensive Stance and put on a shield, but that doesn't turn them into a Prot warrior. Nobody is super concerned about Feral druids shifting out to heal. We had big problems with DKs earlier being able to tank and deal damage with the same set of tools,...
In SSC/TK/Karazhan/Gruul/Mag, it is a Protection Warrior with failed Stance Requirements, or a Fury/Arms Warrior with more than 20% Defensive Stance (and less than the requirement for Champion). Champion Warrior Champion is the tank role for Arms/Fury Warriors. It requires majority talent po...
Why need a Arms warrior when you have a Feral already? Replies: 17 Views: 2,407 Vicieus 2010-07-13, 06:21 PM Main Cities Replies: 5 Views: 921 Desimar 2010-07-13, 06:18 PM Extended Maintenance Becoming to Common =/ Replies: 16 Views: 1,950 Blinke 2010-07-13, 06:...
WoW Classic, which wrapped upWrath of the Lich Kingthen launched intoCataclysmis next on the list. That kind of faded asCatagot long in the tooth pretty quickly. The year kicked off with a search for something likeValheim… which led us to playValheimagain, kicking off our third run at ...
(0=WoW, 1=BC, 2=WotLK, 3=Cata, 4=Mists, 5=Warlords, 6=Legion, 7=BfA, 8=Shadowlands)These functions only return meaningful values on Asian realms; all three relate to the play time limitation system. GetBillingTimeRested() - returns the time spent logged in current billing unit. ...