Arms Warrior Arms Warriors spend an entire expansion (Wrath of the Lich King) as a joke class spec, overshadowed by the likes of the Retribution Paladin and Death Knight. In Cataclysm, they made a massive return to form with a huge buff to their overall kit and damage. However, Arms Warr...
The only specs we really failed on in LK raiding were Frost mage, Subtlety rogue, BM hunter and Arms warrior. Only? Reply fangless - 2010-08-08 I love that the Blues never refer to Cataclysm as Cata. Always annoys me when people do -_- That said, this raid buff swapping they...
Lets just say, an Arms/Furry Warrior can thanks to shieldblock reach hit immunity without a single piece of defensive gear. And can wear Plate. And has Shieldwall. And Defensive Stance. etc. As said. I dont have a problem with meme Speccs. If someone takes one and does some crazy shl...
. It requires majority talent points in the Protection tree, and failed damage taken requirements. In SSC/TK/Karazhan/Gruul/Mag, it is a Protection Warrior with failed Stance Requirements, or a Fury/Arms Warrior with more than 20% Defensive Stance (and less than the requirement for Champion)....
const talentsStr = (importJson['talents'] as string) || ''; const glyphsConfig = classGlyphsConfig[charClass]; @@ -524,12 +545,17 @@ export class IndividualAddonImporter<SpecType extends Spec> extends Importer { } } const throwCataError = () => { throw new Error(`WowSims does not...
NotifyInspect("unit") - Requests information about a unit's inventory and talents from the server. UI InspectUnit("unit") - Instructs FrameXML to inspect a particular unit (query server; show UI).InstanceCanShowResetInstances() - Determine if player can reset instances at the moment. GetBat...
Talents: Common DPS specs: 17/44/0 – Dual Wield Fury 33/28/0 – PvE Arms 21/40/0 – 2h Fury (less common spec, but relatively viable for PvE dps as a second or third dps warrior) Variations of these builds are generally based on guild setup. More than one dps warrior in a gui...
Bingo. I have brought this up before and have people have rightly pointed out that the talents are worth only a few % here and there, and the gear is “only 10% more stats” and I just died laughing because any rogue / warrior would give his first born for 10% more stats statically...