Arena Points Vendor Neck Amulet of the Silent EulogygemMystic King's Amber Gunship— (25H)Icecrown Citadel Shoulders Titan-Forged Shoulderpads of SalvationgemMystic Dragon's Eye Non-HumanWrathful Gladiator's Felweave AmicegemMystic Dragon's Eye ...
3. Best Gems for PvP Arms Warrior in Wrath of the Lich King The gear list below is following the stat priority of Hit Cap (5%) > Resilience ≥ Strength > Armor Pen > Critical Strike and will include items available exclusively from Wrath of the Lich King ClassicDungeons/Raids,Professions,...
Expansion: WotLK Classic Fishing Overview Competitions Equipment, Gear, & Consumables Achievements and Rewards Daily Quests Valuable Fish The changes in Fishing that Wrath of the Lich King brought made Fishing skill level less important, since characters of any level can fish from pools. However...
1. Best in Slot Gear for PvP Affliction WarlockThe items in the list below are best in slot for Phase 5. Please note that the list assumes you are Human by default. If you play another race, there will be other options listed which are better for non-Humans....
Wrath Classic Elemental Shaman PvP Guide The list below is meant to provide general pointers of what to use on each slot. Feel free to use any other high Resilience / Stamina and Intellect / Spell Power / Critical Strike / Armor pieces you find, as they will serve you well while climbing...
1. Stats for Gear in Phase 5 as Combat Rogue 2. Further Enhancements 1. Stats for Gear in Phase 5 as Combat Rogue The overall goal ofCombat Rogues in Wrath Classic when gearing is to ensure that they meet two caps: the Poison Hit cap and the Expertise cap. ...
On this page, you will find the best pre-raid gear for Subtlety Rogue in WotLK Classic. 1. Stats for Gear in Phase 5 as Subtlety Rogue The overall goal ofSubtlety Rogues in Wrath Classic when gearing is to ensure that they meet two caps: the Poison Hit cap and the Expertise cap. ...
Stats for Gear in Phase 5 as Assassination Rogue The overall goal ofAssassination Rogues in Wrath Classic when gearing is to ensure that they meet two caps: the Poison Hit cap and the Expertise cap. You can read more about these on our stats page linked below, as well as the relative wo...
1. Best in Slot Gear for PvP Shadow Priest in Wrath of the Lich KingSlotItemSource Helm Wrathful Gladiator's Satin Hood Arena Points Vendor Neck Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Subjugation Honor Vendor Shoulders Wrathful Gladiator's Satin Mantle Arena Points Vendor Back Cloak of Burning ...
Fury Warrior Phase 5 Pre-Raid Best in Slot Gear In this guide we go over the different gear available forFury Warriors before enteringRaidsin Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Phase 4 movesTrial of the Crusader10-man raid gear into Gamma Heroics, making it very easy to gear up. ...