+20 Resilience Rating Yellow VendorPvP Wintergrasp Vendor Lambent Eye of Zul+10 Hit Rating and +5 Mana every 5 seconds Green CraftingJewelcrafting Lucent Ametrine+10 Agility and +10 Resilience Rating Orange CraftingJewelcrafting Showing 1 to 40 of 559 entries Previous12345…14Next...
3. Best Gems for PvP Arms Warrior in Wrath of the Lich King The gear list below is following the stat priority of Hit Cap (5%) > Resilience ≥ Strength > Armor Pen > Critical Strike and will include items available exclusively from Wrath of the Lich King ClassicDungeons/Raids,Professions,...
Arena Points Vendor Wand Corpse-Impaling SpikegemMystic King's Amber Rotface— (25H)Icecrown Citadel 2. Best Enchants for PvP Destruction Warlock SlotEnchantment HeadArcanum of Dominance ShouldersInscription of Dominance BackEnchant Cloak - Spell Piercing ...
+20 Resilience Rating Yellow VendorPvP Wintergrasp Vendor Lucent Ametrine+10 Agility and +10 Resilience Rating Orange CraftingJewelcrafting Mystic Dragon's Eye+34 Resilience Rating Yellow CraftingJewelcrafting Mystic King's Amber+20 Resilience Rating Yellow CraftingJewelcrafting Opaque Eye of Zul+10 ...
Off-Hand Weapon Wrathful Gladiator's Grimoire Arena Points Vendor Wand Wrathful Gladiator's Wand of Alacrity Not Human Corpse-Impaling Spike gem Mystic King's Amber Arena Points Vendor Rotface— (25H) Icecrown Citadel2. Best Enchants for PvP Affliction WarlockSlot...
You can learn more about how to leverage your unique skills in theElemental ShamanPvP guide below: Wrath Classic Elemental Shaman PvP Guide The list below is meant to provide general pointers of what to use on each slot. Feel free to use any other high Resilience / Stamina and Intellect /...
Sidereal Essence Vendor Trinkets Death's Choice Mjolnir Runestone 38Defiler's Scourgestone 19Sidereal Essence Weapons Hellscream Slicer/Stormpike Cleaver Void Sabre 50Defiler's Scourgestone 25Sidereal Essence RangedTwirling Blades15Sidereal Essence
1. Stats for Gear in Phase 5 as Assassination Rogue The overall goal ofAssassination Rogues in Wrath Classic when gearing is to ensure that they meet two caps: the Poison Hit cap and the Expertise cap. You can read more about these on our stats page linked below, as well as the relativ...
1. Stats for Gear in Phase 5 as Combat Rogue The overall goal ofCombat Rogues in Wrath Classic when gearing is to ensure that they meet two caps: the Poison Hit cap and the Expertise cap. You can read more about these on our stats page linked below, as well as the relative worth be...
1. Best in Slot Gear for PvP Shadow Priest in Wrath of the Lich KingSlotItemSource Helm Wrathful Gladiator's Satin Hood Arena Points Vendor Neck Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Subjugation Honor Vendor Shoulders Wrathful Gladiator's Satin Mantle Arena Points Vendor Back Cloak of Burning ...