Wrath Classic Elemental Shaman PvP Guide The list below is meant to provide general pointers of what to use on each slot. Feel free to use any other high Resilience / Stamina and Intellect / Spell Power / Critical Strike / Armor pieces you find, as they will serve you well while climbing...
Learn how to gear up your Destruction Warlock for PvP in WotLK Classic and choose the correct items, gems, and enchants.
When looking at whether you need more threat or more avoidance gear there is a general rule that in tanking new encounters its generally more useful to have more defensive abilities than threat, as it allows for a few more mistakes from your healers and yourself without you dying. The way ...
WOTLK Classic: A Complete BIS Gear Guide For Combat Rogues In Phase 4 Welcome toBIS Gear Guidefor Phase 4 ofCombat Roguesin WOTLK Classic. The equipment in this guide is mainly obtained fromIcecrown Citadel, Trial of the Crusader, Ulduar, Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and Ey...
This Wrath of the Lich King Classic Skinning guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Skinning skill from 1 to 450 in Wotlk! First we are going to discuss who would pick skinning as a primary profession and then we will talk about how to start and how to get to...
Face Azeroth’s dangers in WoW Classic’s Hardcore realms and see just how far you can go. You only have one life to live, and the Spirit Healers won’t be there to whisper sweet nothings and send you back out into the world of the living when you die. Death is permanent, and once...
So there is definitely a place for a guide to being a good levelling hunter, covering both PvE and PvP, and I believe a good place to begin is with the first talent points… i.e. from 10 up. A very tall order, I know! Reply ...
(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Classic Rares II fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Hinterlands II fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Hilsbrad Foothills fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Silverpine Forest fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Alterac Mountains fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Arathi Highlands ...
Classic: The Argent Dawn: Do their quests, that's a good start. The best way after this is to farm Undead Stratholme or Scholomance bosses (I recommend Stratholme for the Deathcharger, which gives a Feat of Strength, is cool, and has a one percent drop rate now) with your Argent Daw...
(but for an exploration jaunt and an instance run) – but so far I’m incredibly impressed. Wrath has really raised the bar for MMOs, I feel; not only is there loads of content, but it’s far more immersive and interactive than TBC or classic WoW. An old friend of mine – Mrigash...