World Wind Java v2.1.0 is an upcoming release that will add first-class 2D map support, OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) elevations, a general shape editor, Shapefile rendering performance improvements, Shapefile XML layer configuration files, and many other improvements and bug fixes. See the rel...
Closing gaps in raster data setsis easy. The morphometry tools are unique including the SAGA topographic wetness index and topographic position classification. If you have a DEM and don’t know what to do with it – you NEED to look at SAGA GIS. Overall,it’s quick, reliable and accurate....
MapWindow (20) MicroDEM (33) printing (11) screencast (4) shapefile (71) software (10) spreadsheet (19) TIGER (7) topographic maps (45) Uncategorized (5) Web apps (79) Copyright And Conditions Of Use Contents of the Free Geography Tools Blog copyright 2007-2018; all ri...
Tidal marshes hold a substantial stock of SOC, and our globally consistent map improves knowledge of climate regulation services while practically supporting the inclusion of tidal marsh blue carbon in national inventories that could be used as a baseline for C accounting. Such data could catalyse co...
You don’t have to pay a king’s ransom to map the world. This is because you can do it all with free GIS software. The best part is: These free GIS software give you the firepower to get the job done as if you’re working withcommercial GIS software. We’ve mapped out the GIS...
Closing gaps in raster data sets is easy. The morphometry tools are unique including the SAGA topographic wetness index and topographic position classification. If you have a DEM, and don’t know what to do with it – you NEED to look at SAGA GIS. ...
Here, three major types of errors were observed: most frequently, hill tops or small-scale topographic peaks and ridges located at hillsides are virtually cut due to a lack of ground points at or around their tops so that the heights of buildings located in the peak area are drastically ...
Step 2: Import the geometric data in Shapefile format into ArcGIS software and create the convex hull (the smallest convex polygon containing all the nodes and lines) of each urban street network. Step 3: Calculate the centroid point of each convex hull, and this point is used to represent ...
The classification shapefile was essential to define the regions of interest, providing QGIS to map the estimated CS values considering only the dominant tree species [36]. Otherwise, the map will show the CS values for other areas, i.e., the area covered with grass or even in an area ...
Environmental attributes (topographic, disturbance and canopy-related) differing between invaded and non-invaded vegetated areas were then analyzed. The SDM results indicated that most (67%) of the study area was climatically suitable for A. dealbata invasion. The onset of invasion was documented to...