The National Geologic Map Database, run by the United States Geological Survey, catalogues maps and geologic names, and also describes what mapping is currently underway. Clicking on the “Geoscience Map Catalog” is a portal to info sections describing over 75,000 maps of United States geology ...
Natural world heritage sites face increasing risk under rapid climate change, especially considering the impacts of climate extremes. However, there is not yet enough understanding of the future extreme climate challenges at global natural world heritage
1-meter Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) - USGS National Map 3DEP Downloadable Data Collection: U.S. Geological Survey; 2017. Google Scholar [85] J.A. Van Veen, E.A. Paul Conversion of biovolume measurements of soil organisms, grown under various moisture tensions, to biomass and their ...
The (regional) vector version of the WSF 3D building model (BModv) is delivered in form of a shapefile. The heights of BH, AH, and BModr are provided in m with a gain factor of 0.1 for storage optimization (Int16). The area of BA is indicated in m2, BV is given in m3, and ...
cvs | json Geo Formats: Esri Shapefile (.shp) | Esri Geodatabase (.gdb) | MapInfo (.tab) | MapInfo MIF/MID DATALINK API Easy access to a variety of MBI data • Datalink Desktop • Datalink Rest API > LEARN MORE UPDATES