$py3dep geometry -hUsage: py3dep geometry [OPTIONS] FPATHRetrieve topographic data within geometries.FPATH: Path to a shapefile (.shp) or geopackage (.gpkg) file.This file must have three columns and contain a ``crs`` attribute:- ``id``: Feature identifiers that py3dep uses as the ...
The location records in areas projected to be unsuitable in Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Germany (Figure 3a and Figure 4a) all fall in mountainous areas with high topographic relief, where the modelled climate is not represented at sufficient granularity to match the distribution records ...
(ICESat-2’s) land and vegetation product, or ATL08, presents opportunities for developing full-coverage products over broad spatial scales. The primary goal of this study was to develop a 30-meter canopy height map over the southeastern US, for the Southeastern Plains ecoregion and the ...
Py3DEP: Topographic data through 3DEP Features Py3DEP is a part ofHyRiversoftware stack that is designed to aid in hydroclimate analysis through web services. This package provides access to the3DEPdatabase which is a part of theNational Map services. The 3DEP service has multi-resolution so...