Shapefile of US state boundariesusMap
在SAS中,AK代表阿拉斯加州,HI代表夏威夷州,PR代表波多黎各。将AK、HI、PR投影到US Map上是指将这三个地区的地理位置在美国地图上进行显示和定位。 在SAS中,可以使用PROC GMAP过程来实现将AK、HI、PR投影到US Map上的操作。PROC GMAP是SAS中用于绘制地图的过程,可以根据指定的地理数据和投影方式生成地图。
使用新的 shapefile,所以以下代码有效: library(usmap) plotdf <- data.frame(fips = CT_regions$fips, vals = rnorm(9)) plot_usmap(data = plotdf, values = "vals", include = c("MA", "CT", "RI"), labels = FALSE) 生成以下图像: 但是,由于大量数据是在较旧的县一级报告的,因此仍然能够...
us waterbodies and wetlands shapefile data Oct 17, 2013 usa-mexico-international-boundary usa mexico border Oct 2, 2013 usgs-image-dems usgs image dems tiff data Oct 16, 2013 usgs-quad-grids quad grid Oct 7, 2013 usgs-state-boundaries ...
从usmap 0.5.0开始,出现了一个名为usmap_transform的新函数,它可以转换data.frame以匹配usmap使用...
And finally, for color and other details, I created yet another table mapping the State and District to details such as the current congressperson, his/her party, and time in office. I called this tabCongresspeople. I joined the three sources using an inner join: ...
(ESRI) Shapefile spatial data format. ESRI Shapefiles refer to a set of files. Data in the .shp file specifies the geographical or geometrical shapes. Data in the .dbf file provides attributes for the shapes. To view a map in design view or to run a map from the report server, both ...
library(mapview) # quick interactive mapping library(leaflet) # more mapping Load dataset in the usual way. tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2023, week = 26) us_place_names <- tuesdata$`us_place_names` us_place_history <- tuesdata$`us_place_history` ...
Select the map elements to vary and set the corresponding embedded point, line, or polygon properties by overriding the default display properties for the corresponding layer type. My layer that uses spatial data from an ESRI Shapefile always has embedded data. ...
applying the data provided by local and state agencies. The approach developed in this research will allow for its application in diverse geographical locations to explore additional financial benefits that each individual rural stakeholder may receive from the wind industry. This will allow local author...