by Xiong Maoling WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- Progress in gender equality has been "very slow" overall, said Hana Brixi, the World Bank Group's global director for gender, calling for more efforts to expand economic opportunities for women across the globe. In an interview with Xinhua ...
(2011). Gender Equality: the Right and Smart Thing to Do. World Bank Report, Press Release, Retrieved on Feb 26, 2013 from STRIAEXTN/0,,contentMDK:23003001~pagePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:38 7854,00.html...
The World Bank active portfolio in Tanzania includes 17 national projects with total net commitments of USD 3.86 billion.
World BankJEL Codes: B54, D63, O1This contribution examines how gender equality features in the World Bank's World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development, focusing on its conceptual framework, use of empirical evidence, and policy recommendations. It concludes that despite acknowledging that...
Gender equality promotes development: the World Bank's gender action plan Gender equality is a human right. This alone is reason enough for development assistance to consider the issue. In addition, there are a number of strong economic arguments for doing so. As an example, numerous studies ...
The global energy access gap is worsening as population growth outpaces new connections, says the report released on Wednesday by the International Energy Agency, the International Renewable Energy Agency, the UN Statistics Division, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization. ...
3 World Bank. 2022. “Women, Business and the Law 2022.” 4 World Economic Forum. 2022. “Global Gender Gap Report 2022.” 5 European Investment Bank. 2020. “Funding women entrepreneurs: How to empower growth.” 6 Partners include: The China Women’s Development Foundation, the China Inte...
We accessed GDP per Capita (current USD) from the World Bank. The access URL is Gini We accessed Gini coefficients from the World Inequality Database (WID). The access URL is ...
Every year, the IMF and the World Bank calculate the gross domestic product, or GDP, of all countries in the world. Based on this indicator, a rating of the richest countries is formed. The gross product per capita reflects the well-being of the country’s citizens. It’s important to ...
Through stories of "small changes" in women's lives, such as "the first time having the priority to get a loan," "the first time having their own seal and bank card," and "the first time buying lipstick with their own earned...